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I woke in the best mood ever. Not only was last night the best but I'm going to see mum and Gemma again today.

"Hey Everyone!" I cheered as I walked into the kitchen where the boys and my dad were sat having breakfast.

"Someone's happy this morning" Lou said as I saw Niall smirk at me.

"Yea well I'm doing something today!" I said taking a bite of my toast.

"What's that?" My dad asked and I knew he wouldn't be happy but I was going to tell him anyway.

"I'm going away this weekend to Kent to go see mum and Gemma" The boys looked shocked but happy for me at the same time but my dad. He looked anger but then had no emotions.

"What about the mission?"

"Its not all about the mission. I have to do something for myself sometimes. Plus Rose is coming with me so I can carry on gaining her trust" I explained and dad didn't say anything but just nodded.

I guessed that was my cue to leave so I did. I left to go get Rose and then off we go.

"Heeey!" Rose cheered as she jumped in the car after putting her bag in the back.

"Hey! You're very happy this morning" I smiled

"I could say the same about you" She smiled back. "Okay lets go!" She cheered and off we went to Kent.


"This is it?" Rose asked as I parked the car across the street from my mums house.

"Yea. This is it" I said breathing deeply. "She probably don't even leave here anymore. We should just go!" I panicked but Rose grapped my hands in hers and made me look her in the eyes.

"Listen to me Harry. You've wanted to do this for ages and I know you want to see her so here we are! We are not turning back! Come on you can do it" As she finished talking she kissed me lightly. "You can do it" She whispered and we both smiled at each other.

"Okay lets go" I said and kissed her one more time before getting out the car.

I walked round to her door and helped her out before I grapped her hand tightly in mine as we walked up to my mums front door.

I knocked three times and we waited. For me it felt like hours but it was only minutes before the door opened and a middle age lady opened the door.


"Mum?" I said as she stared back at me.

"Harry?" She asked and I nodded slowly, smiling wide. "Oh god its really you! My little boy!" She said as tears came to her eyes.

"Mum don't cry!" I said letting go of Rose's hand and pulling my mum into a hug.

"I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too mum!" I whispered

"Come in, come in!" Mum cheered once she pulled away from me.

"Who's this?" Mum asked as we both stepped in.

"Mum this is Rose, Rose this is my mum!"

"Its so nice to meet you" Rose said putting her hand out but mum just pulled her into a hug as well.

"You can call me Anne, Honey" Mum said as she smiled at the both of us. "So was it you who dragged my son out to finally see me?" Mum said to Rose and she smiled while nodding.

"Yes had to make sure he didn't wimp out on it" She teased and I elbowed her.

"Heeey!" I moaned but they both just laughed at me.

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt