Twenty Two.

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"I've never had that because I've only ever met my parents through a video tape" She said and tears started to fall as I stared at this broken girl in front me shocked.

Shocked how she could've never seen her parents. How she could have only seen them through a screen. How she's never been able to talk to them and have them talk back to her. To not touch or feel comfort from them.

"What do you mean?" I stuttered out.

"My parents died the day I was born. My mum held me for at the most an hour before handing me to my uncle. He ran away with me as my mum got shot in the heart." She cried as she told me what she knew about her parents and this made me sad because I knew what she was talking about, I knew the exact day she was talking about.

The day the 'Styles Gang' killed the leaders of the 'Walkers Gang' aka her mum and dad.

"My mum and dad must've known it was going to happen to them because my uncle had played me videos of them talking to me over the years of me growing up. When I was younger I didn't understand why they wouldn't reply to anything I would say, not until I grew up and realised they weren't actually here. They were just on a screen telling me things they would've if they were still around. They were wonderful people my mum and dad you know. Especially my mum. She grew roses in back garden. They were her price and joy. She loved them. She said they were so pure and innocent yet they had shadows which meant they had a dark side. I never understood what that meant and I still don't really know but I like it. My dad. He saw me for the space of 10 minutes when I was born before having to go fight for his and everyone elses lifes. He didn't even get to hold me. The videos are the only thing I have of my mum and dad. I still have them all and I watch them sometimes when I miss them you know. That's one of the reasons why I wanted you to come see your mum and sister again because I don't have the chance to go see my mum and dad or even meet them for real but you do. You can start over with yours and have them in your life and you cant take that for granted okay? Promise me you wont." She said as she looked me in the eyes with tears running down her cheeks.

"I promise" I whispered as I wiped her tears and kissed her lips.

I laid her down next to me in the bed and held her close to me as she slowly fell into a deep sleep.

I didn't realise how much she was actually hurting. I didn't realise she felt this way. She was just a broken girl who wanted to meet her mum and dad for real. She didn't want to know them through a screen, she wanted to know the real them but I knew thanks to my dad and our gang she would never be able to have that. I had my mum and dad standing alive in front of me and she didn't. The way she broke down just now made me think maybe this mission isn't a good idea. The way she broke down showed me the real her and I have never started to like someone even more than I have right now. No I refuse to admit I'm falling for her because I'm not but liking her as a friend, maybe.

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt