Twenty Four.

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That night after Rose fell asleep I went downstairs as I knew my mum was waiting for me in the kitchen. I was proved right when I saw her sitting at the island with a cup of tea in front of her.


"Harry I need to talk to you"

"I know but can I just exp-"

"No. I need to talk and you listen and then you can talk after" Mum interrupted and I just nodded as I sat opposite her. "You probably know now that I know who Rose is. Meaning I know she's the Walkers daughter that got away; as your father likes to put it. Anyway I'm guessing you know who she is right?" She asked and I nodded. "And I'm guessing when I asked you yesterday if she knew about the gang you said no, not just because you didn't want her to know because you're apparently 'dating' but because this is part of one of your fathers plans right?" And I didn't have the strength to speak so I nodded again. "Harry..." Mum said looking at me with sympathy in her eyes.

"Mum I know what I've got into, you don't have to tell me" I said and mum shook her head.

"Just listen to me. That girl. She's broken; more than anyone I have ever known. She's been brought up without knowing her parents and that can do stuff to people. She's been brought up in a gang and been taught how to fight and defend herself her whole life."

"But I've grow up in a gang?" I said not understanding.

"Yea but you had me and Gemma around for a bit and we went out and did normal kid stuff and you had a father figure even if he isn't a good one. You also have the boys who have always been there for you and made sure you are as normal as you can be with being in a gang. You went out with them right? Well she never had that around her. All she knows is to fight and defend herself."

"What are you trying to say mum?"

"I'm trying to say that this mission of your fathers is going to blow up in all your faces. Rose only knows how to defend herself and fight which means she knows things and can do things no one has ever seen be done before. This is why your father thinks she's so special. This is why every gang out there is scared of her. She's unpredictable. She's the best fighter around because she's never been taught different. I wanted to have this conversation with you because I think its wrong what you're doing to the girl. She's had enough heart ache in her life to have this on top of it. I can see in her eyes that she really likes you maybe even love I don't know but I can also see in yours that you really like her back. I don't want you to get hurt in the end of this and I sure as hell don't want you to ruin that girls life as much as it already is."

"But mum you don't know her? You don't know dad?" I said as I listened to everything she was telling me. It was all true; it was all making sense now.

"I don't know her, you're right there but spending these two days with her; I know she's a lovely girl and I know she's broken. I also know that hurting someone for your own benefit is wrong and I did not bring you up like that Harry" She said firmly and I looked down. "And for your father. His no good. He doesn't care about anything but himself and that stupid gang. Why do you think I left? Because he never cared about me and Gemma enough to make us stay. He just wants to bring down the Walkers and he doesn't care who gets hurt in the end, that being you or her."

"I can't just not do it now mum, dads not going to have it" I said looking at her with wide eyes.

"I know. You've got yourself into something you cant get out of and I know you're just going to carry on with this but I just wanted to say. I'm always here for you. When all this is over; you can come to me. Just try not to get to hurt by all this and make sure Rose doesn't ether." Mum said as held my hand.

"Thank you mum. I love you" I said meaning it.

"You haven't told me that in ages" Mum smiled and I smiled back. "I love you too. Now go to sleep. Night Honey" Mum said kissing my cheek as we both went upstairs to bed.

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt