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I woke up at 5 and got ready to be at the cafe for half 6, when it opens. 

"What are you doing here so early son?" The owner of the cafe, who i found out his name was Johnny, asked me. 

"Do you know the girl Rose? She always comes here" 

"Yes I do. Rose is such a nice girl. Why is she the reason your early?" 

"I messed up with her yesterday and thought i could do a little breakfast for her" I explained

"So you want me to do her usual order for breakfast and your order?" He questioned and i nodded

"Yea please and im paying now" I said getting some money out my wallet. 

"Okay let me get started on it then because she normally turns up at half 7" Johnny said and went off to the kitchen after i gave him my order. 

I sat on the table near the window and started reading my book waiting for Rose. 


Johnny came over at half 7 with mine and Roses order but Rose still wasnt here

"She'll be here soon, dont worry" Johnny said seeing that i was starting to figit 

I couldnt concertrate on reading my book, so i resulted in just looking out the window. 


"What are you doing here again?" I heard a voice snap my out of my thoughts.

I looked up and saw Rose standing there. 


"Hi, so you going to answer me?" 

"Err, i thought because i upset you yesterday, i would make it up to you?" I said and she looked down at the table and i continued before she could interrupt. "I got Johnny to do your usual and ive paid, so its basically free breakfast" 

"Well when you say it like that" She smirked and sat down opposite me

"So all i had to say was free breakfast?" I questioned

"Yea basically" She chuckled, digging in to her food and i chuckled while doing the same. 

"So how long had you been waiting here?" She asked once we both finished our food. 

"Err, well i got here when the cafe opened at half 6, so since then" 

"Wow, sorry for keeping you waiting" 

"Dont worry about it" 

"So you enjoying that book?" She asked picking up my book that i left on the table. 

"Yea i am actually, its really interesting. What about you?"

"Yea its a really good book, i dont know why i havent read it before" She said putting my book back down. 

We were quiet for a couple of seconds before Rose started talking again.

"Why are you so interested in me?" 

"What?" I asked shocked with her question

"Why are you so interested in me? Like yesterday you were all wanting to know me and today you did this to make up for upsetting me. Why do you wanna know me so much?" 

"I dont know, you just seem like a really cool girl, is it bad to want to get to know you?" I asked confused

"well, i dont know. No ones ever wanted to get to know before. Its weird" She said looking down at her hands in her lap

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt