So I see on here all the time people just posting about their lives. Their thoughts, out puts, opinions, sort of like a diary. I guess I'll join the trend and start one. Cause you know why not? There isn't much you need to know about me. I'm 17 senior in high school. Don't really fit in well. Kind of an odd ball. I would say quiet but that's not true at all. I'm probably the loudest person I know although I think people don't listen to me. Which is ok I guess. Anyway, this is going to be something that I just put my feelings down on. It'll probably be all over the place but you know what, oh well. I got a lot on my mind and now I have a place to write it all down. I might make my first entrance today. Because I couldn't even get out of bed this morning. Depression was holding me down. I'm actually surprised I got up to get food.
My collections
Non-FictionJust a little diary I suppose. I honestly don't expect people to even read this so....