I. Chapter 23 | Part 2 - Aubree

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A strange noise met Aubree's ears a few moments after she turned her back to Stone. At first, she hadn't noticed because she was knee deep in her own quicksand of misery, but then the door burst open and Gwen was sprinting out and pulling her into her arms.

That was when she thought she heard the snarl of an animal behind her and she froze.

"Don't look," Gwen whispered into her ear.

Gwen's hold on her was strong, catching Aubree by surprise. She thought she heard the crunch of pebbles grinding underfoot, but knew there were no pebbles on the terrace.

She was so consumed by guilt that she couldn't even endure the thought of turning around and facing Stone now, or ever again for that matter. How could she face him when she wanted nothing more than to kiss him again, even though she was engaged and had just broken his heart?

"I can't," she choked out against the raw, burning sensation in her throat.


Aubree clutched tightly to her friend, burying her face into Gwen's shoulder, too ashamed to even look at her.

"Aubree?" Worry laced her voice as she loosened her hold on Aubree.

She hiccupped, grimacing under the weight of what she must now do. "I can't see Stone anymore."

Gwen pulled away, gripping Aubree's arms, but Aubree still clenched her eyes shut.

Shocked, Gwen asked, "What? What do you mean?"

Aubree cringed, hating herself and the mess she had created. "I'm engaged to Dan."

She felt Gwen stiffen as her own shoulders fell in defeat. She hung her head as Gwen cursed softly next to her.

"When did this happen?"

"Saturday night," Aubree responded in a low voice.

Gwen cursed again. "That explains a few things."

Raising her head a little, Aubree gave her a puzzled look. She expected Gwen to flip out on her, not utter a few cuss words.

Sighing, Gwen tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. Her brown eyes were looking away from her as she thought about Aubree's words and situation. "Did you tell him?"

Aubree nodded and Gwen closed her eyes. Pressing her fingers against her forehead, her face contorted at the painful realization of their circumstances. "No wonder he's upset and took off. This is seriously messed up," she murmured.

Aubree's eyes widened. He took off?

She looked around and saw that Stone was gone. About to ask how, Gwen grabbed her and pulled her toward the door.

"Come on, we gotta get out of here."

Aubree wanted to protest, but could only manage a cough from her inflamed throat.

Spinning around, Gwen marched to the table to hand the glass of water to Aubree. Once Aubree eased the fire in her throat, she handed the glass back to Gwen, who set it back down on the bistro table, took her hand and practically dragged her into the castle.

"I have to get you home before dark," Gwen said as she marched down the hallway to the staircase.

Fear bubbled up from Aubree's stomach as she remembered the vampire that nearly killed her.

There will be more like that man after you, Stone had said.

She tightened her own grip on Gwen's hand as they wound down the spiral staircase.

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