I. Chapter 27 | Part 3 - Stone

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Adranus and another male vampire tailed her, but it was evident that she meant business when her crimson eyes locked onto his with loathing and the desire to kill.

Where was his backup? [Gunner, what's your position?]

[About five miles away,] he said. [Hold on as long as you can.]

Carina charged at him, her fangs bared and her nails, sharp as talons, raised up to claw his eyes out.

Bracing himself, he grabbed both of her wrists as she hissed in fury, his feet digging into the earth as he fought to maintain his stance while she pushed with all her strength. She tried to pull away, but he held on tight and kept her talons as far away from him as he could without losing his grip.

"How dare you attack my precious Lily!" she shrieked.

Luckily, Adranus and the second vampire, Stone didn't know his name, stood back to watch. Neither one looked amused, but they didn't seem like they would intervene unless pressed to.

"Be thankful that I spared her life," he replied. "I would have gladly killed her if it weren't for the fact that I needed her to get to you."

She hissed at him, twisting in his grasp and using all her strength to try and break free and rip his eyes out.

"Kitten, we don't have much time," Adranus said, his eyes glancing at the eastern horizon. "Let us find out what he wants so we can return home before sunrise."

She shrieked in frustration. Even with heightened strength and rage to fuel her, she was still no match against Stone's physical might. "No! Not until I make him pay for what he did!"

Stone tried not to laugh at her feeble attempts to over-power him. He projected a mental image of it to Gunner, who chuckled in his head.

"That was payback for what one of your minions did to Aubree."

The malevolent look on her face twisted into a mean sneer. "And I would've gotten her too if it weren't for those mutts in Wisconsin."

Growling, he threw her over his shoulder, to which she gracefully flipped and landed like a pixie on her feet. Without hesitation, she lunged at him, but he grabbed her and flipped her onto the earth before slamming his knee into her lower back.

Face in the dirt, she screeched in pain, paralyzed underneath him, as he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back so he could whisper into her ear. "You will answer my questions now, leech, or I'll break your spine before I rip you apart."

Hissing was all he got in response.

Adranus and the second vampire moved forward, but he held up his hand to signal them to stop. He glowered at them. "Your cooperation is more important to me right now than the pleasure of taking your life. Understood?"

She managed to hiss out a 'yes' before he eased up on her back a touch.

"Are you after the human female named Aubree?"

A choked out laugh, more like a cough, was his response.

"Answer me!" he roared, pulling back on her hair.

Her lips twisted up in a cruel smirk. "She is your mate, is she not?"

He growled in response.

"Then what's the problem?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "Tired of us killing your precious mates?"

"She's a human," he said, trying to detach himself from his emotions so Carina couldn't see how much Aubree meant to him despite that simple fact. "Incapable of breeding more lycans, so why must you target her?"

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