II. Chapter 10 | Stone - Part 2

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Instrumental music: "Old Friends" by Darren Korb (Transistor Soundtrack)


Aubree padded into the kitchen, her vanilla-rose scent flooding over him. It took every ounce of strength he had to keep his gaze locked on the leaves blowing gently in the breeze.

She inhaled and moaned. "Mmm... coffee."

He clenched his teeth at the sound that erupted from her, wanting nothing more than to hear it again as his lips caressed her soft flesh.

At the rate he was going, he was going to need another shower soon.

He listened to her pour herself a cup, his eyes catching and following a little sparrow flitting onto a branch on one of the trees outside. A second one joined the first, flapping around the first before they both took off through the forest.

"There's cream in the fridge. Eggs in there too. I thought about making breakfast for us, but knowing my tendency to burn things... I figured, I should leave that up to you," he said, chancing a glance at her.

She peered into the fridge, wearing a yellow sundress that hugged her curves and stopped a few inches above her knees. Her damp hair was pulled back in a braid that draped a few inches over her bare shoulder. She looked fresh and clean, and instinct wanted to tear that dress off and make her hot and sweaty...

He looked away and massaged his forehead. The handle of the mug he held in his other hand made a little cracking sound and he loosened his grip on it before setting it down on the table next to him.

She pulled out a carton of eggs and a little container of cream before she closed the door and turned to him. "Okay. How do you like your eggs?"

He swallowed, still rubbing his forehead as he looked away. "Doesn't matter."

She shifted on her feet, a little burst of nervousness tumbling off her. "Do you have a headache?"

He smirked to himself. If only it was that simple. "No. Just hungry." And not simply for food.

That seemed to eradicate her nervousness and she perked right up. "I can fix that."

He groaned and opened the sliding door to let some fresh air in. She either had no idea how she affected him, or she was avoiding it altogether.

The fresh air helped to clear his mind a bit and relax his muscles, but what he really needed to do was burn off all this excess energy. Some food would help too.

"How many eggs do you want?" She was still oblivious to his raging testosterone as she began to crack the shells and dropping the yokes into a bowl.

"Make the whole carton," he grunted. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

He felt her eyes staring at him as he stepped outside and began running laps around the perimeter.

As much as he longed to shift into his wolf and take off into the woods, he subdued the urge and focused his attention on the feel of the wind against his skin and the smells of the earth around him. The ground was soft under his bare feet and the jeans rubbed him in places that didn't need rubbing, but he could feel the tension in his body lifting as his muscles began to sing.

When he could smell cooking eggs in the air, he returned to the kitchen, barely breaking a sweat. Tracking dirt across the kitchen floor, he helped himself to a glass and filled it with water from the dispenser on the fridge. He drank it down while Aubree scraped the scrambled eggs into a big ceramic serving dish.

"Feel better now?" she asked as she set the empty frying pan down.

He refilled the glass with more water. "Yes, a little. Food will help as well."

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