II. Chapter 3 | Part 2 - Aubree

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Stone was reclining in one of the two patio chairs, his thumb on his chin and his index finger pressed against his lips. His eyes had been staring off in the distance but he glanced up at her when she poked her head out the door.

When his eyes met hers, a surge of heat rushed to her face and she lowered her gaze to the box in her hands. "Um, hungry?"

He gave her a curt nod. "Are you?"

Her stomach growled in response, deepening the blush already in her cheeks.

He reached out to take the box of pizza from her so she could take the seat opposite him. There wasn't a patio table out there, so one of them had to hold the box of pizza. Stone seemed content to hold it on his lap.

"I'll grab a couple of plates," she murmured, more so to herself than to Stone to try and ease some of her embarrassment.

She hurried into the kitchen and came back out two seconds later with some plates. She handed one to Stone as she chewed on her bottom lip and lowered herself onto the chair.

He held the box open for her so she could grab a slice. She stared at the meat-lovers delight with its pepperoni, ham, bacon, and Italian sausage coated in cheese on top of a hand-tossed crust. She pulled out two slices and slid them onto her plate.

The silence between them put her on edge as she settled back into her seat. Lifting the pizza to her lips, she gave a little moan of content as the flavors danced in her mouth. "It's been a while since I've had pizza and this is pretty good."

He nodded as he pulled out two slices for himself and closed the box with his plate resting on top. He lifted a slice to his mouth. "Gwen's judgment was good, then."

It was more a statement than a question.

She swallowed the morsel in her mouth. "Well, you do have a strong sense of smell, right? You can probably sniff out good food from a mile away."

He nodded. "To be honest, I haven't had pizza in many years."

Her eyebrows shot up then. "You're kidding."

A hint of a smile tugged on his lips as he shook his head. "I don't eat human food frequently. A couple of times a month for snacks and full meals, every few months perhaps?"

She considered his words as she chewed. "So, what do you eat?"

"Game. Venison, rabbit, fish..." He trailed off.

She didn't know what to say to that. Wild game? Like, raw meat? Like, a predator?

She swallowed with a bit of difficulty at the thought of Stone eating a cute fluffy bunny for breakfast.

She decided to change the subject a bit. "What's your favorite food?"

He pursed his lips and pondered for a moment. "Quail, perhaps?"

She raised her eyebrows at that.

Seeing her reaction, he shrugged. "Birds are harder to catch, so I enjoy them when I can."

She looked away, her appetite all but lost now. "I was thinking more along the lines of human food..."

"Oh." He cleared his throat. "I'm not too sure. Everything's a treat when I eat it, so it all tastes good."

Refraining from pressing her palm to her face, she brushed her hair behind her ear instead. "Well, looks like I have some experimentation to do. Of the food we ate for breakfast this morning, what was your favorite?"

"Bacon and sausages," he said without hesitation.

She grinned to herself with a slight shake of her head. He would jump on those two items. Come to think of it, they all did. Gwen couldn't get them to cook fast enough and all four guys would pounce on the plates as soon as she loaded them up. A bacon frenzy, it was.

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