II. Chapter 19 | Part 1 - Stone

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Stone woke with an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Again. He was starting to get used to it now.

Since finding out that he wouldn't give Aubree the children she wanted, she had seemed more down, withdrawn, and closed off in the days to pass. He gave her the space he thought she needed, believing she would come around and talk about whatever was on her mind when she wanted to.

He tried to ignore the feeling, but this time felt different.

He pinched the bridge of his nose.

While he didn't have access to her mind, he didn't need telepathy to know that she was feeling anxious about something. What could possibly make her anxious if not the one thing that had been on her mind all week?

He didn't want to deal with this right now. When he didn't come home late from the hunt, he'd spend an hour calling various packs in Europe in an attempt to find Amora. However, with every call, he came up dry.

The last remaining Ancient in existence, Amora moved freely from one pack to the next. If anyone could help him find a solution to their problem, it would be her. He didn't know what she could tell him but any wisdom from her was better than nothing.

Groaning, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and trudged to the bathroom to empty his bladder.

He hated how Aubree found out. He wished he could go back in time and tell her himself. Although he trusted that Rosemary told her the truth as gently as she could, it still should have come from him.

Unfortunately, the past couldn't be changed. As she withdrew into a state of deep reflection, his mind had been wrapped up in trying to find Amora, and discuss strategies with Colten and Davis regarding the vampires—all while trying to ignore Aubree's scent.

He couldn't stand the smell of human blood. It only brought back memories.

Memories that he didn't want to associate with her.

He scratched the scuff along his chin as he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.

He remembered how Adelaide liked him clean-shaven in his human form, and he did it so willingly for her despite the nicks he'd gathered from the blade he used.

'It softens you,' she had said as she trailed a finger along his jaw.

I could stand to be softer, he thought.

Pushing Adelaide from his thoughts, he looked away from his reflection, his eyes landing on his razor resting next to the sink.

It has been a rough few days, he reflected.

As much as he wanted to deny how much her scent affected him, it was a contributing factor in keeping his distance. He hadn't been very kind to Aubree. He couldn't tolerate being around her when she was bleeding. The smell of her hair and neck when he held her in his sleep was strong enough to block out the smell of her blood, but when his nose wasn't pressed up against her, all he could smell was that metallic, coppery scent.

It was a hopeful act as he moistened his face and slathered shaving cream on. As the razor glided across his skin, he could feel anxiety creeping in more heavily than before.

He went to his office after shaving and noted some missed calls. One was from Arizona a few minutes ago.

Groaning, he put the phone back down on the desk and rubbed his face. What did the Spirit Walker want? He said they would come when they could, but Aubree had her menses, not to mention they both had enough on their minds right now. Seeing the Spirit Walker would have to wait.

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