2/Helena (So Long and Goodnight)

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It's been a week since the twins went missing. No one has left the lodge but Emily. We all have hope that they'll come back. I've had to be the calm one throughout this, when I fight happens between someone in the group I get everyone mellow again. No has even seen me cry. I keep all my feelings bottled up until night when everyone's asleep and then let my thoughts fly free. I've always been that way I suppose, ever since I was little I would put people's issues before mine. Back in sixth grade I dated a guy for five months after I stopped liking him because I was too scared to hurt his feelings. Everyone just assumes I'll be the rock when something bad happens, they think I can handle it. I can't.

I sit on my bed, my knees tucked against my chest. Tears fly down my face as I sob. The moonlight illuminates the room.

"Cara, you okay?" I hear someone say from outside my room. It sounds like Chris.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply hoping he'll just go away. Out of everyone he's the last person I want to see me all broken.

"No you're not, I heard you crying. I'm coming in."

"Chris don-"I'm cut off by the door swinging open. A shocked expression is all over his face. I know I must look like a mess, my eyes are red and puffy and my hair is a tangled knot. I must look insane to him. Not very many people are used to seeing the rock broken down. He walks over to the bed and sits down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I lean into him and cry harder.

"Shh, it's okay," he whispers.

"They're never coming back," I sob.

"Hey, you don't know that. They could just be lost."

"It's been a week Chris."

"Then they've been lost for a week. We'll find them."

"I guess. You should go, it's late and you need to get some rest," I tell him.

"I'm not leaving you like this," he insists.


"No, I'm not going until you're okay again."

"Well then I guess you're stuck here forever because I'll never be okay ever again!"

"Don't think like that," he sighs.

"Why not? It's true."

"No it's not!"

"It's my fault they're missing Chris! If I wasn't so shitfaced I could have prevented that prank and saved them!"

"No you couldn't of. Look I know how you're feeling. Believe me Josh feels the same way, but you can't live your life stuck in what ifs. As awful as it is, what's done is done. We can't go back in time." I don't say anything, I just lay against Chris until I fall asleep.

A/N- Song chapter was based off of- Helena by My Chemical Romance. Thanks for reading, I'll try to update again later today since this chapter was kind of short. Also for some reason Wattpad is being annoying and is making any indent I type way too long, I will try to update any mistakes as soon as I can :) -floating_fangirl

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