Chapter 18 - The Fun

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Chris-Hey guys, we all have one room.
Chris-It's not a small room. It has two different rooms connected.
Sami-Me and Nicki have one side!
Jessie-Um, Chris?
Jessie-We can sleep in the same room..but I'm not sleeping with you. (whispers)Don't get any ideas.
Chris-(chuckles)I would never do that.
Jessie-CHACHI!!(runs and jumps on her)
???-You guys must be best friends.
Madison-Hey Jess.(hugs her)
Jessie-Who else is here?
Olivia-The rest of I aM mE, and the Icons.
Olivia-That is officially your word.
Jessie-I know. What are you guys doing?
Vinny-Vacationing. You?
Olivia-(pulling Jessie)Let's go.
Jessie-(following Chachi)Where are we going?
Olivia-Does it matter?
Jessie-Should I be worried?
Olivia-No. Let's eat!
Olivia-(pulling Jessie into the restaurant)Sit.
Olivia-Why would you be worried?
Jessie-Because apparently we're the "next big couple".
Waiter- Hello Ladies. Is there anything I can get for you?
Olivia-I'll have the Steak and Shrimp.
Jessie-Me too. Thank you.
Waiter-Alright ladies.(looks at Jessica)It will be here shortly.(walks away)
(waiter- )
Jessie-HE'S SO CUTE!
Oliva-I know. Why do they always like you?
Jessie-Not true.
Olivia-So true and you know it.(laughing)
Jessie-Whatever.(laughing) But, with what I was saying earlier, I'm pretty worried and Ok? Girls are gonna constantly talk to him...and throw themselves at him. I don't know if this is the best decision.
Olivia-You're right. But, you know Chris loves you.
Waiter-Here you go.(smiling)
Olivia-What did you say your name was?
Waiter-Sonny, Sonny Daniels.
Jessie-I'm Jessie and this is Olivia.
Sonny-Nice to meet you girls. If you need anything, let me know.
Sonny-Alright.(walks away)
Jessie-Back to what I was saying.Oh yeah? Look.(pointing at Chris and some girl)I doesn't seem like that right now.
Olivia-I don't thinks that's tru-
Jessie-They're laughing, he's holding her hand, and she's giving him his phone number. Now, she's walking away. CHRIS!
Chris-Hey babe.(leans in to kiss me)
Jessie-(pushing him back)No way. Give it to me.
Jessie-The number.
Chris-What number?
Chris-Here.(hands her the phone number) I'm gonna go.
Jessie-Have fun. (whispers)No women at any costs.
Chris-Alright. Love you.
Jessie-Love you too. Bye. (Chris walks away) See!?
Olivia-Being worried is ok in this case.
Jessie-(putting her head in her arms on the table) I don't know any more.
Olivia-(gasps)NO! (whispers)You better not be doubting your relationship.
Jessie-I don't know Chachi. (raises her head)
Olivia-Well, for now..let's go have fun.
Jessie-We need to pay for this.
Sonny-It's on the house.
Jessie-Nah. I can't. Here.(hands him the money) (smiles)Have a nice day.(walks away)
Sonny-Thanks and you too.
Olivia-What room are you in?
Jessie-I have no idea...I'm gonna call Chris.

Incoming Call: Chris Breezy
Jessie-Hey babe.
Chris-Hey. Where are you?
Jessie-Right in front of the restaurant. Why?
Chris-Turn around.
Jessie-(turning around)Hey.(hanging up)

Chris-Room key.(hands it to her)
Jessie-What roo-
Chris-417.Floor 14.
Jessie-Alright. Bye.
Chris-Bye babe.(kisses her and walks away)
Olivia-Let's go.(pulling her)
Jessie-Let's go swimming!
Jessie-I gotta go to my room.
Olivia-Ok! Call me when you're done!
Jessie-It's a promise. Bye Chachi.(walking away)
Nicki-Where were you?
Jessie-With Chachi.
Sami-You like totally ditched us.
Jessie-You're acting like I knew where I was going.
Sami-I thought this was our vacation.
Jessie-IT IS! Why are you trippin'?
Nicki-Once again, we aren't you are.
Nicki-Oh. If I were you, I'd get my boyfriend before somebody else does.(pointing to Chris and another girl) (walks away with Sami)

*Jessie's P.O.V*
This is starting to get a little much. Wait! Did he just? Ok. Calm down. There has to be another reason. I can't let him see me though. You can't cry..don't do it. I'm gonna walk back in the restaurant. I think that'll help my feel-
???-Are you ok?
Jessie-(jumps and turns around) Oh Madison. You scared me.
Madison-Are you crying?
Jessie-A little. But, I'm fine. I promise. (smiles)
Madison-You're perfectly fine?
Madison-Alright.(hugs her)I gotta go.
Jessie-Alright. Bye.(Madison walks away) Oh! I gotta get ready.
(In the hotel room)'re back.
Jessie-Yes, I am. (going to her suit case)
Sami-Where are you going?
Sami-(smiles)With and where?
Jessie-Chachi and swimming.
Sami-Have fun with your new best friend.
Jessie-Ok. I will.
Nicki-Aren't you gonna invite us?
Jessie-Why would I invite somebody who's obviously pissed at me. Hints your attitude. So, until you get your ego under control, just leave me alone. I'm gonna enjoy myself either way. Sami, you wanna go?
Jessie-I'm gonna change.
(me & Sami are done changing)
Nicki-Who is it?
Nicki-(opens the door)
Chris-Where's Jessie?
(Sami & Jessie walk out in their swimsuits)
(Jessie's swimsuit- )
(Sami's Swimsuit- )
Chris-Where are you going?
Jessie & Sami-To the pool.
Chris-In that? No way.
Jessie-Babe, I'm gonna be in the water. Plus, Sami & Chachi & the guys might be there. What's wrong with my swimsuit?
Chris-It's kind of very..showing and what guys?
Chris-Oh alright. Have fun.(kisses her cheek)
Jessie-I gotta call Chachi and tell her that we're ready.

Calling: Chachi
Jessie-Hey Chachi. Um, we're ready.
Olivia-We're? Who's coming with?
Olivia-Awesome! And Nicki?
Jessie-Nope. Please don't ask.
Olivia-Alright. Me & Madison are on our way up.
Olivia-Much love!
Jessie-Much Love. Bye.

Jessie-She's on her way up.
Sami-Alright. Is-
(knock, knock, knock)
Jessie-Who is it?
Olivia-Chachi & Madi.
Jessie-(opens door)Hey guys.
Olivia-Hey Sami, hey Jess. You guys ready to go?
Jessie & Sami-Yep we're ready!
Madison-Let's go then.(we're all walking out)
Olivia-Did you tell her about Sonny?
Sami-Sonny? Who's Sonny?
Jessie-A waiter we met earlier.
Olivia-Who has a serious crush on Jessie.
???-(smiling)Hey Jessie.
Jessie-(smiles)Oh hey Sonny.(hugs him)
Olivia-(smiles)Hey.(hugs him & giggles) Where are you headed to?
Sonny-The pool. You?
Jessie-Same here. Well, this is my friend Samantha.
Sami-Hi, nice to meet you. Call me Sami.(holds her hand out)
Sonny-Nice to meet you too.(shakes her hand)
Olivia-And this is our friend Madison.
Madison-What's up.
Sonny-Nothin' much Man. (They dap)I'll catch you guys later.(walks away)
Jessie, Olivia, Sami-(smiling)Alright. Bye.
Sami-He's fine as h***! Girl, don't leave Chris.
Jessie-Who said anything about leaving Chris?
Olivia-You know if you were single, you'd be with him.
Jessie-Whatever. Last one in the pool's a rotte-(looks at Sonny taking off his shirt and whispers) I have a boyfriend, I have a boyfriend)
Olivia-What was that?
Jessie-A rotten egg.
Madison-Don't forget you have a boyfriend.
Nick-Hey Jessie!(runs and hugs her)
Olivia-He is fine. Ecspeacially with his shirt off.
Jessie-Go get your flirt on.
Olivia-Ok! (running towards him)Don't wait up!
Sami-Should we go to the-
Nicki-Hey Jessica.
Nicki-How are you doing?
Jessie-Alright. You?
Jessie-Hold up. Sup Sonny?
Sonny- Let's go to the wavepool.
Jessie-Alright. I will. Just let me finish talking to her.
Sonny-Alright.(walks away)
Nicki-Uh who's that?
Jessie-A friend. What's it to you?
Nicki-He clearly likes you. Oh. Btw, check out your boyfriend and Sofia.
Jessie-(tearing up)Well, wait. Who's Sofia?
Nicki-I heard that her and Chris have been going together. Oh my god, is that a tongue kiss?
Jessie-(crying)Whatever Nicki.(walking over to Sonny and Olivia and the boys)
Madison-Jessie. Let's talk. (pulling her to the other side of the room)Okay, I know we're in water but those are tears.What's wrong?
Jessie-Chris is cheating on me.
Madison-No way. With who?
Jessie-Yes way. And look.(turning his head towards them)
Madison-I'm so sorry Jess.(hugging her)
Jessie-I think I'm ready to go. I'm gonna go tell the others.
Everybody Else-What's wrong?
Jessie-Um, nothing I'm fine. But, I think I'm gonna go. I'm not feeling too well. Bye guys.
Sami & Olivia- We're coming with you.
Jessie-No, you two stay here and have fun. I'll be fine.
Sami & Olivia-No. Bye guys.(walking away with Jessie)
Everybody Else-Bye.
Olivia-What's wrong?
Jessie-Ask Nicki.
Olivia-Is that Chri-
Jessie-Yeah. I need to be anywhere but here. There's an elevator. Come on guys it's open.
(in the elevator)
Olivia-Alright. We're fixing to have a g.n.o.
Sami & Jessie-A what?
Olivia-A girls night out. Only if you're up for it.
Sami-I'm up for it.
Jessie-Me too.

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