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ADINA'S EYES HAVE gotten more used to Kellin's socks throughout the day, though this is all relative. They're incredibly neon, so bright that she doesn't even know what the color is—if it's even a color.

"Did you know that some people can become blind from hideous, neon socks?" Adina mumbles around a cookie she stole from the snack counter. It's nearly the end of the day, and she's even more exhausted today than other days, because she went to sleep late.

"Did you know that cherophobia is the fear of fun?" he narrows his eyes at her, and Adina smirks.

"You're so passive aggressive, Kellin."


He stops in the middle of his first word, is something very unusual when it comes to Kellin. In fact, so unusual, that Adina doesn't think that she's ever seen it happen before.

"So...that boy on that bus you're always talking about?" He says it in a hushed tone, and Adina's eyes widen. Sure, she'd mentioned it a few times, but not that much?

"Not always."

"Hah. Always. Anyway, black hair, dark eyes, right?"


"Is he a halfie?"

"I think so."

"Is he coming in here?"

Adina's turn is slow, and painful, and she braces herself to see, yep, Takumi, standing right in the doorway, glancing down at his wrist. He's the first person her age she's seen wearing a watch in ages. He's so fucking endearing. He looks up suddenly, and it's too late for Adina to glance away, so she's stuck staring back awkwardly. A smile lights up Takumi's face once he realizes it's her, and he saunters over. He stands close enough that she can smell him—like detergent and chocolate and everything good in the world.


"What?" Adina crinkles her nose, and he sighs.

"Okay, so that's not you. I'll find it eventually."

Kellin, well aware of Takumi's cuteness with her name, elbows Adina in the back, hard, and she lets out a yelp before glaring at him. Kellin grins, angelic and bright (only because of his socks).

Nora, a cute kid who's been attending Totcare since last year, comes running past Adina, to stand straight right next to Takumi. "Hi, Kumi," she smiles with all her teeth but the two front ones.

"Hi, Nora," Takumi smiles down at her, and she grabs his index finger in her grubby, cookie crumb-covered hand. "Got your stuff?"


"Oh. Is she your...?" Adina sucks her lips into her mouth, and she tries to figure out how to let out her words. Takumi seemed like her age, she could have sworn he wasn't that much older?

"Oh! No, no, she's my niece. My sister's kid."

"And your best friend," Nora adds, and he laughs, the skin beside his eyes wrinkling.

"Yes, also that."

They stand around quietly for a few moments, and Kellin and Adina wave at a few parents walking out the door with their children.

"Alright, ready to go?" Every time Takumi looks down at Nora, Adina freaks out a little in the inside. Nora nods. "I guess I'll see you around, then?" His black eyes flick up to meet hers, and his smile is steady.

"Yeah. 'Course. See you." Apparently she can only speak in one to two syllables, now. With a wave at Kellin, Takumi turns, Nora still grabbing onto his finger. As soon as they're gone, Adina collapses into a chair.

"Not gonna lie, he's pretty dreamy. No homo, though."

"Shut up, Kellin."

// i hate ap bio yayayayyayayay!!

thanks for reading i love you 

(song: the 1975, love me) bc ????? 1975 new song ???????? fuck ??????


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