Chapter 8 - Blood

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      Slipping into darkness, the eternality of the fall. You never know when it'll happen. It could be 5 minutes from now, or fifty years from now, but we all die sometime. When you do, you realize that everything you've ever thought was true. All of your fear, it leads you to something worse than ytou can every imagine.

    I was prepared for my own death. Ready for all of those undead monsters to climb up those stairs and destroy me. Rip me open, eat me. I accepted that I most likely wouldn't survive my encounter with them. I grabbed a bat with nails in it and got ready to swing at the first zombie. One down, 8 to go. Bashing their brains in, demolishing them. It's hard to think that just months ago they were normal people, just like me. After about 4 or 5, I started to realize that they were speeding up. They were able to almost jog now, before they could barely walk. That means they must've ate something or someone recently. I finished off the final three, when I noticed something horrifying. A little girl. She must've been only four or five. They had ripped her stomach out and eaten most of her. I began to tear up when she started to stand up.

      Killing these things was no longer a task, it was a promise, to avenge the little girl. I ran upstairs to the roof and got Stephanie. I brought her back downstairs and began to clean up the blood. I pushed it all into a bucket and dumped it outside. After cleaning most of it up, I sprayed the floor with a hose and dried it with some towels. Then I grabbed the boards from the roof barricade and began to rebuild the defences around our compound, and started to add boards around more houses, creating a fence around the 2 surrounding houses that was sturdy enough to hopefully keep out a few zombies. Afterwards, I got Stephanie and we began pushing cars against the boards to keep it sturdy. We had officially created a completely barricaded 3 house structure, front yards and everything. Deciding against using the last of our boards to start bridges between the houses, we went out to find more construction supplies so we could make our compound safer.

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