Chapter 9 - Hell

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          We found an old construction site a few blocks away from the compound. The first thing I noticed was the structure of the building. It looked stable enough to hold us for a while, but not long. I ran in and grabbed a few large boards and lowered them down to Stephanie. I found a hammer and a few nails, and began to load them up in the old car we got a few months ago from a dying man. I was on the platforms, searching for straps to latch the boards on to the car with, when the floor started to crack. I began to edge down slowly. Then I noticed the 2 zombies on the floor with me. I had to be careful, because any wrong move could cause us to fall through the floor, 3 stories down. I found a slag hammer laying near a welding station and used the back to kill the first zombie and softly lay his body down.

      The second zombie was closing in on me, so I hit it and it died quickly. I started to lay him down too when my hold on him slipped, and his body fell down, causing the floorboards to begin to break, so I grabbed one of the bodies and used it to break my fall. I could hear Stephanie outside yelling in to me, trying to find me in the rubble of the building. I began digging myself out of my pit I was stuck in, and moving the limbs from the zombies I killed, they'd been cut off by falling boards. I was lucky, only a few splinters and a few bruised-feeling ribs. I had my leg trapped under a board, and the sound was attracting more of the undead, so I had to grab a nearby rock and use it to pry the board off. At first, the board wasn't moving, so I found a crowbar and began breaking boards around me, creating more noise, but allowing me to escape.

      When I got back to the car, I remembered that Stephanie was still out there, so I ran out, grabbed her, and pulled her into the car. We got back to the compound and started to make a bridge between the buildings for emergencies. Suddenly, I heard a scream at the fence. "Let me in! Help me! Somebody, Please!" I quickly ran down and let the woman in. "Are you infected?" I demanded she showed me all skin, excluding female regions. After being cleared, I allowed her to come inside. "What's your name?" I asked her. "Christine" She replied, still shaking from exhaustion. "You can sleep here, if you'd like." I told her, after giving her some food. "Thank you. Is this place safe?" "Yes. I've lived here since this all started." After giving her a tour of The Compound, I took her to her room and got her a bed made. Then she fell asleep, and I went and slept with Stephanie in the main house. 

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