Chapter 10 - Replay

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     So after I woke up, I got up, grabbed some water, went to the bathroom, and realized that Stephanie was gone, along with some of our weapons. She was using me to steal our items, then she left. I was heartbroken and crushed. I walked outside and found the first zombie, and let it grab me. It was about to bite me when I heard a gunshot and it fell dead. I saw Christine standing outside, staring at me like I had just lost my mind and killed someone, rifle still smoking from the shot fired seconds before. She grabbed me and ran me in the house before more were attracted to the sound of the single shot. The insecurity of myself washing over me, I thanked Christine. She simply replied with "Get your shit together, David. You can't just kill yourself over some girl." I realized how stupid I had been... I was prepared to let that zombie bite me and kill me. I felt all the guilt, all the sorrow of my actions. Then she told me "You know there are more girls in the world. They didn't all just die. I'm sure you'll find someone." That gave me so much hope. I remembered Adalynn, and the fact that she could still be alive somewhere. I told Christine about Adalynn, and she told me that we could look for her on our next supply run, as we were starting to get dangerously low on food. 

     We decided that sooner was better than later, and decided to go out on yet another run. The horrid stench of death plagued the area, as soon as we stepped in the malfunctioning electric sliding door, that was trying to slide in a pool of blood and organs. The rotting flesh had become infested with flies and maggots, now becoming a home for a new batch of the small, worm creatures. The power grid hadn't gone out, despite the fact that the government had fallen. At first, they told us to stay inside, but we saw on the news that the military was getting overrun. Most people that had stayed in there homes had been eaten alive. That brings me back to the present. Walking into the store, the first thing I noticed was a low moaning sound. It was very eerie, and I was shaking in fear when it continued. Christine and I began to walk isle to isle, grabbing as much as we could carry.

     We found a shopping cart, and pushing it around, we began to fill it up with necessities first, and wants later. We grabbed toilet paper, water, chips, canned food first, later heading to the frozen food isle and grabbing some ice cream. We took a walk through the sporting goods section, but I could still hear that moaning. I hadn't asked Christine about the noise, but now I couldn't take it anymore. "Christine?" "Yes?" "Do you hear that?" I asked, cautiously. "Yes... I wasn't going to say anything." "Alright. Let's just not focus on it." So we continued on. We found a few machetes, and some camping supplies, along with some survival kits in-case we needed to make a stop while we were on a run. We had our items, and grabbed a tarp to throw over the top just in-case it tipped over. We were walking through the isles, when we found the source of the sound. A large amount of zombies had accumulated on the roof, and, hearing us, had shuffled their way to the rooftop and began to push their way into the store. 

     Noticing all of the zombies piling into the store, we had to move quickly. The only problem: we had to split up to get out of the store. We did rock paper scissors to see who had to take the cart, and I lost, so I had to take it. I grabbed it, and quickly began running to the other side, as quietly as possible. I ran past the cutlery section, grabbing a few knives to put in my pocket in case I needed to get rid of some of the undead quickly. This stop was not in vain, because they were getting closer fast. I could hear other footsteps that were running, and I was hoping that they were Christine's. Nearing the exit, I was getting concerned. 

     After I got to the exit, I noticed Christine was running through the horde trying to get to me. She was nearing the exit, and I was outside, but she was getting close. She was almost to the door, and I knew she needed my help, so I walked back in and started stabbing. The first few were rotted, so it wasn't hard to get rid of some of them. The fresher dead were a lot harder, they took longer to slide the blade into. I thinned out the crowd, and she was coming to the door when she got grabbed on the leg by a zombie that wasn't dead, but was dormant. She screamed, and the zombie had his teeth on her leg when an axe striking its head finished it off, and Christine ran to me. "Come with me, I know how to deal with this.", The ominous voice said. We followed the cloaked figure into the back of the store, and heard an alarm get set off in the middle of the store. "That's why they were all there." The voice said. "I'm Emily." The voice said, removing her cloak from her head. "I'm David, and this is Christine that you saved." I explained to her. "Thanks, by the way." Christina said. Emily was a younger girl, about 13 or so, blonde, and she told us she was originally from Canada, but her family moved South into Washington a year before the infection started. "Nice axe." I told Emily, "What? My ass?" "No! I said your axe..." I replied, embarrassingly enough, and she replied with "I know, I got you though, didn't I?" I could already tell that this was going to be very interesting.

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