Chapter 17__Rogue Time

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Somebody had broken into the morgue.

As Pyra, I used fire to fly to the scene, walking inside.

"What's going on?" Cisco asked. "What do you see?"

I was confused, looking around. "A dead body."

"Vera, you're in a morgue," Cisco told me. "You're gonna have to be more specific than that."

I stepped closer to the body. "The coroner. He's dead." I looked around in confusion. "I swear that this happened before."

"What are you talking about?" Cisco asked. "Come on, you gotta go find this guy and get out of there before the cops show up. Go."

I hesitated in confusion, using fire to fly out of the morgue, leaving.


At STAR Labs the next day, Joe and Barry came to tell us that the police had found automated voice recorder evidence of Mark Mardon, Clyde Mardon's brother, who had killed the coroner because he wanted to know who had killed Clyde.

Mark found out that Joe had killed Clyde.

And I was having the strangest sense of deja vu ever.

"So, Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Caitlin asked.

"And both brothers survived the plane crash, and then the dark matter released from the particle accelerator explosion affects them both in..."

"Virtually the same way," I finished.

Barry and Wells looked at me.

"That's right," Wells told us. 

"Only Mark's not like Clyde at all," Barry told us. "He can do things that you couldn't even imagine."

"You mean, he's sort of like a..." Cisco trailed off.

Barry finished with Cisco. "Weather Wizard."

"Yeah," Cisco answered. He drank from a slushy, closing his eyes in pain. "Mm."

Caitlin walked toward Cisco.

Caitlin and I spoke together. "Trigeminal headache?"

Barry looked at me in confusion. "You remember all of this?"

"Remember what?" I asked.

Barry looked away in confusion.

Wells looked as if he knew something we didn't. "Barry. Vera." We looked at him. "A word, please."

I nodded. "Yeah." Wells led the way into the training room. Barry and I followed. I turned to face Wells and Barry. "I don't know what the hell is going on, but I am having the weirdest sense of deja vu. I have been feeling it since last night."

Barry took a breath. "I think I know why."

"You ruptured the time continuum, didn't you?" Wells asked. Barry closed the door. "You're experiencing temporal reversion."

"Yeah," Barry answered.

"How long?" Wells asked.

"A day and some change," Barry answered. "It's like I'm living it all over again."

"Good," Wells told him. "That means there's not too much you could've messed up yet. How did this happen?"

Barry shook his head. "I don't know. I mean, I was running faster than I've ever ran." He looked at me. "You flown faster than ever. It was catastrophic bad. You panicked, and fire shot out, and it pushed me back a day in time." I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "The first time I lived this day, some horrible things happened. There was a tidal wave, and--"

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