01| f i r s t

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C H A P T E R  O N E
=> f i r s t
p a r t 1

Regulus remembered everything his mother had taught him, had tried to teach Sirius. Mudbloods and Half-bloods alike are nothing but scum, nowhere near the superiority that Purebloods hold. He may have believed it a little, but how could he not? He wasn't Sirius, who believed that it doesn't matter about blood because at the end of the day it is all red. Sirius was the only person who, in the family, believed that blood didn't matter; that blood was red for everyone.

Regulus, himself, believed only enough to think, at first, that Lily Evans was a pretty girl for someone with her blood status.

She was a year younger, in Sirius's year. He was a second year when she was sorted into Gryffindor, right along with Sirius.

She had red hair and green eyes that shone like emeralds. She had pale skin and orange freckles over her face.

She had the sweetest smile he had ever seen.

The girl had him hooked the second she looked over at him, eyes shining bright in the light of the Great Hall, and smiled.

He couldn't help it. She had a contagious smile, so sweet and kind.

He smiled back.



this isn't going to be terrible long so i will explain this quickly.

this is a regulus black and lily evans short story because it's a rare ship and i love them. reg is a year older then lily&sirius&the lot. the chapters will be short because it is a short story.

i hope you enjoy!


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