09| t h i r d

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=> t h i r d
p a r t 3

The thing is, was Lily Evans worth what his parents put him through? Was she worth the change? The pain of knowing your parents see you as a piece of filth, more so than the brother that is in the enemy house and befriending everyone?

Was anything worth her time?

He had realised over the summer that she was the only girl he seemed to care about other than his cousins, excluding Bellatrix.

It took time, but Regulus realised that he cared more than he personally found comfortable. It was scary.

It was scary because all she had to do was smile and he was putty in her hands. All she had to do was not ignore him and he wouldn't want her to hurt. All she had to do was be her.

Then, seeing her again in the Great Hall, finally taking her in after the weeks, he realised something far more important than her worth.

He realised that no matter what, even in the short time they've known each other, he'd always find her alluring and she'd always be something to him.

It still scared him.


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