06| s m i l e

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=> s m i l e

His cheekbones have defined a bit over the summer, she noticed.

She also noticed the small black and blue bruises peeking from under his robes. Behind his neck, when he tilted his head down she saw what looked like a knuckle mark. On his wrists she saw what looked like fingers. On his throat she saw fading palms.

Who did this to him? Why didn't anyone notice? Was it — dare she say — because of her?

By now she knew about the importance of blood purity. Or, what people think about the importance. Was this revenge for getting cozy with her? Did he no longer like her?

She was confused, to say the least. What did he think of her now? Did he hate her?

The questions were driving Lily mad but she didn't know how to approach him. Was this a sensitive subject? Did he not want to talk to her?

However, all those worries were gone as soon as she spotted him across the corridor, and he spotted her, and then he smiled.

She smiled back and felt ridiculous about the whole thing.


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