02| m e e t i n g

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C H A P T E R  T W O
=> m e e t i n g

The library was the biggest one she had ever seen. Shelf after shelf of books, the smell of old parchment and ink was enough to tamper down her homesickness. Hogwarts was truly a beautiful place.

Potions was her favourite subject, by far. Professor Slughorn seemed to like her very much so, even with his Slytherin status and the Slytherin reputation. He seemed to not care that she was muggle-born, as they like to call it here in the Wizarding World.

The library was her favourite place not because of the books, the smell, the calmness, or even the fact she fit right in but because of the black haired, grey eyed boy she had met.

He was a little taller than herself, Slytherin by the robes and tie. He looked a lot like Sirius, the same jawline and pallor. She had learned that the boy was his older brother, Regulus Black.

He was nice to her. Regulus helped her find the book she needed, made sure she was comfortable and even helped her from the older Slytherin bullies. A boy with white-blonde hair picked on him for spending time with a Mudblood.

She learnt that it meant dirty blood. She learnt that it was a term used for muggle-borns in Pureblood families. Superior families.

Regulus assured her that he no longer believed them.

But he did once, didn't he? What made him change?


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