Chapter 11

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Iris POV.

"Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me I can't find no rest
Where I'm going is anybody's guess
I tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete."

"You sing well." Someone said interrupting my singing. I didn't know any lullaby so I was singing a song to my baby. And I'm feeling lonely and lovesick so I'm singing a sad song.

I looked at the person who interrupted me. It was another boy. He was young and unfamiliar. He wasn't present with Kevin on the first day.

He had brown hair and he was scrawny. His brown hair was almost covering his green eyes, he looked...young...maybe 16 or 17.

"Remember me? Martin Lewis?" He asked.

I narrowed my eyes. Martin? There was someone named Martin in my pack? No..I don't think so...I remember Kevin Lewis but..Martin.

"House games. I was three." He said.

Then my eyes widened. I was six years old. I had a friend. His name was Martin. He was Kevin's little brother. I used to play the stupid little house games with him.

"Mar-Martin? " I stuttered. Something was seriously wrong with my throat. My voice sounded cracky and I couldn't talk without stuttering...It was hard.

Martin smiled. "Iris." He said and his hand reached out to stroke my hair.

"You've grown beautiful." He said.

"Y-You've grown scra-scrawny." I stuttered out and he chuckled.

I remember the three year old little boy who was my only friend. Being an Alpha, I had no friends, I was always guarded by big bulky men and the other children always stayed away from me. Only Martin was allowed near me. He was little, therefore he didn't know the meaning of Alpha and he wasn't afraid of my bodyguards.

But my dad didn't let him stay. Martin was five years old when he was sent away to a boring school. He had supposedly become to 'big' to be my friend.

His hand brought me out of my trance. His hand on my stomach.

"So, your pregnant?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Alpha Asis Furry's child?" He asked and I nodded again not trusting my voice.

"How many months along are you? Your quite huge." He asked now drawing circles on my stomach. I chuckled and replied,

"T-Three months along. Just two months m-more and I'll b-be a mother." I said stuttering in the middle of my sentence.

He noticed it before and payed attention to in now.

"I knew he shouldn't have stomped your neck." He said rubbing my neck. My wolf didn't like his touch but Martin was like my little brother so she didn't say anything.

"I d-deserved it. And as long a-as he didn't hurt my pup..its okay. And y-you should be angry with m-me too....I ran off and destroyed the pack." I said ashamed of myself.

He signed and kneeled before me with his hands on either side of my chair. "It's not your fault. The Beta could've taken your place. He could lead the pack...but the idiot was weak...drunk b@stard....woman abuser....He died a horrible death..I agree but he should have led the pack well. It was his responsibility after you." He said.

"But I left my responsibility and ran off." I said as tears welled up in my eyes again.

"Iris, you were only sixteen when Alpha Alex passed away and handed the pack to you. Sixteen years Alpha leads at the age of sixteen. Teenagers are small...they make mistakes and are sometimes idiots. Like me...I'm sixteen and here I am...I made the mistake of joining in this stupid revenge thing. It's nonsense, they're holding a stupid grudge. I'm smaller than them and I already understand that. They're far gone...they've lost their minds. Your not the person to blame, sure you betrayed us but we could've fought well, we were well trained warriors after all.

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