Chapter 3

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What do you wear at a club?

A dress?


I shuddered. Ugh. I shouldn't have said yes. This is not in my element.

I picked a black dress that I had in the back of my closet and some black heels to match. I placed it on my bed and started working magic on my hair.

I decided to straighten my long, curly hair. When I was done I started on makeup, trying to make a smokey eye look. When I was all finished with that, I put my dress and heels on.

I looked myself over in my mirror, to check if I looked okay.

I didn't look like myself, I thought to myself. That's a good thing, why would you wanna look like you? You're ugly. I sighed.

Right then there was a knock in the door. I told whoever it was to come in. Jack waltzed in, closing the door behind him.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw me. His eyes widening and mouth hanging open a little, making me even more self conscious.

"Do I look ugly?" I asked him, avoiding eye contact.

"No, no, noo." He sputtered. "You look really good."

I kept looking down at the floor instead of him.

Don't believe a word he says, my brain told me, he's too nice to say you look like crap.

"Hey," I felt fingers on my chin, lightly pulling my head up.

"You look pretty and you're gonna end up breaking hearts." He smiled. "But to me, I think you look the most beautiful when you're not wearing makeup and your hair is in your natural curls and you're wearing sweats." My cheeks started to warm up with every word he said.

"Thanks Jack." I smiled back at him. Instead of responding he just kissed my forehead lightly, letting his lips linger there for a while.

"Let's go." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand, dragging me out the door.

Please tell me what you think!

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