Chapter 7

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Just when I realized this was pointless and was just about to go sit at the bar again, someone forcefully grabbed my arm making me drop my cup but the music was so loud, no one heard a thing.

I looked up to see a guy I've never met before. He was very attractive but very drunk. "Where do you think you're going hottie?" He laughed.

"Away from you." I replied calmly. Even though I was freaking out on the inside.

"Beep! Wrong answer." He dragged me to a secluded corner in the back.

No matter how much I clawed and pounded on him, it was no use, he was too damn strong. I yelled for help but no one listened.

This was a nightmare.

With his large, strong hands, he started pulling my dress off. Thank God, I was wearing a complicated dress, it took me a while to put it on, it should take him a while to take it off, especially since he was drunk.

I hope anyway.

I screamed louder but the idiot covered my mouth. I put up a fight, trying really hard to get away but, he was simply too damn strong.

I started losing hope, when he had gotten the zipper down and started pulling the dress down my shoulders.

I remembered something Alex always told me, "If a guy ever tries to get you, kick. Him. In. The. Fucking. Nuts."

So I hit him where the sun don't shine and I hit him hard. It shocked him, making him grab his nuts in pain and I took the advantage and start running away from him.

Unfortunately, I didn't get very far, my heel got caught with something and I ended up on the floor.

"You bitch!" He grabbed my hair forcefully. "Since you didn't behave, I'll take you in so hard, you'll never be able to walk again." He held me down with one hand, while he unbuckled his jeans.

This is it, I thought to myself, why the hell did I come?

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