The Date.

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"It's just a date." 

Ville was over thinking while plucking at his guitar strings.

He grabbed his cellphone, stared at her number and tried to think of something witty or charming to say.

He started typing; "Hope you are having a wonderful day. Can't wait to see you tonight. :]".

He immediately erased the entire message.

He settled on "Haloo, Beautiful stranger. I have a bit of a surprise planned for this evening. Until then, have a wonderful day."

She jumped at the ding of her phone and a wide smile spread across her face.

"I'm having a good day, thank you. What does this surprise entail?"

"You'll never get it out of me. Until tonight." Ville typed back.

In the meantime Marley decided to mull over her clothing options. She came up disappointed realizing she didn't pack for something as unexpected. She thought about the kiss all morning and wondered if it had been the right move. It felt right in every way but it still tied her stomach into knots.

This trip is just that, a trip.


What would be the use in letting herself fall for someone that lived a world away?

Marley pushed all of those thoughts out of her mind.

"This is just a date."

Marley finally decided to keep it simple and decided on a maroon V neck sweater she had on hand, dark wash jeans and her gray pea coat. She heard ber phone ding while she was trying to curl her hair and managed to burn her ear because she jumped at the noise.

And her nerves.

"Meet me at the coffee shop at 9:30."

"The coffee shop?" she texted back, intrigued.

"See you then..."

Marley checked her phone and realized it was already 9:15. She rummaged around for her makeup bag and tried her best not to smudge her mascara while she tried to multitask.

Ville grinned to himself because he had a feeling she would love his surprise. He had been in touch with connections to help him plan and set it up all day. After the kiss last night he decided to pull out all of the stops to be charming. He was turning back into a hopeless romantic after a few years of touring and boozing. He finally decided on his walk to the coffee shop to send her one hint.

"Bring your camera bag along with you, love."

Marley was sort of put off by the request but she grabbed her camera anyways on her way out of the door and shot him a text back whike making her way down the street;

"Is that my only hint?"

"I'm afraid so. See you in a bit."

Marley's nerves were building as she grew closer to the coffee shop. The familiar feeling of butterflies crept back into her stomach. She spotted Ville through the window and admired her date for a moment.

Marley realized this was the first time she saw him without a beanie and just his curls beautifully disheveled. He had on a dark gray cardigan, dark jeans and a pair of converses. He was fidgeting with the buttons on his cardigan and his green eyes were darting around nervously until they met hers and then he gave her an almost mischievous smile. He got out of his chair immediately and walked towards her outside.

"Who was staring at who now?" Ville asked Marley before pulling her in for a hug.

"I.. uh, me." Marley stammered out during the hug. She just wanted to melt into his warmth. But she was quickly pulled out of that thought when his hand grabbed hers and started pulling her in another direction.

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