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Klara's perspective. 

Landing in my home state felt like a giant weight off of my shoulders. I'll admit I was iffy about Ville coming along because it hasn't been that long that we've been seeing each other. Things have been moving at a rapid pace but he's helped me keep my sanity and I'm getting used to him always being around now.

When I walked into the hospital waiting room I was smothered in unwanted hugs from relatives. After they were done with me their attention went to the tall Finn that was standing behind me. But I couldn't deal with any personal questions about Ville from them right now. All of my focus was on getting to my dad. He was still unconscious from anesthesia after surgery but he was stable.

I kneeled near my father's bedside.

"Daddy, I love you. I came back for you." I said as I squeezed his hand. I tried not to cry in front of my mom but it was impossible.

She wiped my tears and asked me to go on a walk since there was not much I could do with dad still asleep. I asked Ville for a cigarette and followed my mom out of the door. We ended up sitting on a bench down the street from the hospital and I tried to light the cigarette with shaking hands.

"If you don't eat soon you'll shake out your own skin." mom said eyeing my hands with concern.

"I know, but you know how my stomach is when I'm stressed out."

"I know, sweetheart. I hated to call and ruin your trip but I realized how serious your dad's condition was after we arrived at the hospital and I couldn't not call." She said sympathetically.

"It isn't your fault, momma." I said kissing her cheek and pulling her into a hug.

"It seems like you brought back a souvenir." mom said with a half cheerful smile. "A pretty, tall souvenir."

"I wouldn't call him a souvenir..." I trailed off.

"Oh? What shall we call him then?"

"Ville Valo would probably be polite."

"And who is this 'Ville Valo' to you?"

"Well.. we've been seeing each other."

"And hopefully having protected sex."

"Mother! I said seeing. Not sleeping with."

"I know, sweetheart. I just missed making your face turn red over these last few weeks. You're too easy" she said grinning.

"I'm sorry, momma." I said squeezing her with a hug. "I shouldn't have left you and dad."

"Well we didn't know this was going to happen and darling, your life doesn't revolve around us."

"Well, I know that but it still sucked being so far away when I got the call. I felt hopeless."

"I know. Now enough negative talk. How did you meet this man?"

I spent the better half of an hour telling her everything from how we met to everything about him and how my trip was going. She tried to make me eat in the hospital cafeteria but I just ended up just throwing it away. Eating right now wasn't an option.

"I think it's time you properly introduced me to this Mr. Valo." she finally piped up.

"There will be plenty of time for that later. I just want to... go for a walk right now."

"Ok my darling. Please be careful. Would you want me to join you?"

"No, thank you. I just need to try and clear my head for a bit."

"Alright. But you should eat soon."

"Yes, mom."

With that being said my brain switched off. My world was spinning and I began to walk aimlessly in this familiar place. Not really with a destination. The next thing I knew I was sitting on a park bench, the sun was setting and I finally snapped back into it. I checked my phone and I had several missed calls and texts from Ville and my mom.

"Sweetheart,where are you?"

"Are you ok?"

"I'm starting to get worried."

"Klara, please tell me where you are..I'd really like to be with you right now, love."

I just didn't care at the moment. I wanted to be alone and walking was the only way I could get my mind off of things. I stopped at a store to buy the first pack of my own cigarettes in a long time. I sat on a bench, lit one and let the smoke fill my lungs. I had my eyes closed when someone touched my shoulder and I instinctively threw my elbow into an unknowns stomach. I heard a familiar grunt.

"Oh my God, Ville! I'm so sorry!" but I could barely contain my laughter as I watched him hunched over, trying to catch his wind.

"No, no. It's fine. At least I don't have to worry about you when you wander off." He said half gasping, half laughing.

"I feel so bad. I wasn't expecting you to find me."

"Quite alright. I might be able to breathe again normally in a few minutes. I've just finished having dinner with your mother."

"Really? How did that go?"

"I went into the cafeteria for coffee and she caught me and invited me to join her. We mostly talked about you, love. We are worried about you. We should probably get you something to eat."

"You're probably right. But no hospital food. I know a diner nearby. Follow me."

And with that Ville grabbed my hand and held it tight when we started walking. I was quiet most of the way and I could see him glancing over at me out of the corner of my eye and I recognized the concern on his face. We made it to the diner and I ordered my favorite thing, a cheeseburger with egg and bacon on top and devoured it within minutes.

Ville was horrified by the amount of meat and great I was eating but otherwise was happy I had an appetite. My dad wouldn't want me starving over him and I knew that.

"Well I'm glad to see you eating again but now I'm scared you're going to choke." Ville said with a laugh.

"No worries. I usually eat like this on a drunk night and I haven't choked yet."

Boston started to play on the jukebox and he got to witness my out of key singing and hand clapping. It felt like ages even though it was only days before that I had laughed and smiled with Ville. It felt good to not feel stressed for a bit.

But my mind quickly went back to my dad and getting back to the hospital. Ville held me close to him on the walk back and a strange feeling started to creep into my stomach. He was starting to mean a lot more to me then I realized he would.

I think I'm falling in love with a near stranger. Only he didn't feel like a stranger at all.

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