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After Klara's sudden departure Ville was busy with gigs and boozing any free time he had. In the midst of the beer and women throwing themselves at him he hadn't counted on what it was going to be like to return to a silent house. As soon as he got home he dropped his bags by the door and called up some of his mates to go out.

He wasn't going to stay there. He couldn't. He would keep calling her, it just felt wrong. But every time he drank he couldn't help but call or text.

She was obviously done with him so he did his best to be done with her as well. It wasn't as easy for him.

The next week was spent in and out of different bars, pounding back liquor, beer and lines of coke in the bathrooms. He was ashen faced, had blood shot eyes and random cigarette burns on his arms from when he would black out.

Every day he would wake up sweating from booze and anxiety fueled nightmares he couldn't escape. His head was pounding. He would open his eyes and his thoughts would immediately go to her face. Every detail as if she was still near him, and back to the bottle he would go.

His parents called every day, he would tell them he was fine. He ignored his brother's calls all together. The only person he kept in contact besides drinking buddies was his oldest friend Mige.

"Why don't you just get on a plane and go to her? You know where her parents live don't ya?" Mige finally asked.

"I can't just get on a plane and go over there, Mige. She got dressed and walked out like I was a complete stranger." Ville replied, half drunk and trying to forget the small woman. "She hasn't even replied to any of my texts or voice mails. She doesn't want anything to do with me."

"Ah, mate. You're giving up too easy. Obviously there was something there. You wouldn't still be moping about when there's women staring at your from every corner of this bar if there wasn't." Mige laughed, half envious of his lanky friend's luck with women.

"I don't really care to bury my dick and problems in other women." Ville retorted before taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Well you have to do somethin'. I haven't seen you this fucked up in years." Mige replied with concern in his voice.

Ville hadn't felt this way in a couple of years. Not since his ex nearly ruined his life. It took him years to get over that relationship and it's toxicity.

Klara wasn't toxic but something definitely went wrong. He mulled over in his head for the two weeks she's been gone what made her leave. He knew the tour was very last minute but she still had work to do before she left Finland but it seemed like she dropped off of the face of the earth.

He left her a voice mail every free moment he got. Sadly even when he was blacked out. He wasn't trying to be a pest, he just wanted to understand.

He didn't want to let go of her when together they held so much promise.

This was the third night in a row Mige sat with him in this smoky barroom putting back pints and giving him the best advice he could. Ville told Mige everything about Klara and everything that had happened between them in their short time together. Surprisingly the larger man was supportive instead of weary like he usually was about the women Ville kept in his company.

"I just want to know that she is ok, even if I can't be with her." Ville voiced.

It sounded horrible out loud. He didn't want to let go. It had only just begun. He was hurting but he wasn't angry with her. That's what surprised him the most. In past relationships he was quick to anger but he couldn't find it in himself to be angry.

He was just lost.

His thoughts were interrupted by Mige.

"Have you thought about calling her parents?" Mige suggested.

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