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5 years have passed.

They married the spring after they had their son. The entire family was there, with Klara's parents flying in and even her beloved friend Hannah's dear mother made it.

It was a cool sunny day when Klara made her way down the aisle, arm in arm with Ethan. Tears couldn't help but slip from Klara's eyes when they met Ville at the end, kneeling near little Aari who served as the ring bearer. Aari looked more and more like Ville with every week that passed. He had the same little upturned nose, alabaster skin, and green mischievous eyes.

She was so proud of her family. Her and Ville managed through the sleepless nights, trials and errors of being new parents and balancing their love for each other. They were so happy being parents and with each other that they decided on their honeymoon on the Greek island of Kos they would begin to try for another when they returned home.

They quickly learned to balance both of their careers with parenting, not that they had a choice. Klara quickly sold the house she bought in Washington and emailed her bosses the day after she had Aari that she wasn't going back. She got a job when Aari was old enough at the small bookstore she fell in love with on her first trip to Helsinki. She painted more for the love of it after having the baby, many mornings when he was still an infant slung in wrap on her chest while her brushes moved across the canvas.

Ville and the band agreed on less touring and more time in the studio. It worked out for everyone because they were all quickly becoming married men and father's, no one wanted to be away for extended amounts of time. Struck with so much inspiration from his newfound love and happiness Ville's creativity was at an all time high.

Two years after having Aari, one year after getting married and after a steamy drunken date night rendezvous in a bar bathroom they found out they were expecting their second child. The pregnancy went so much smoother than her first, no morning sickness and Ville was by her side through the entirety of the 9 months and 2 weeks. At first Aari didn't understand the concept of siblings but by the end of the pregnancy he would lay his head on Klara's belly and poke it saying "Sister" whenever they cuddled.

Hana was born a couple of weeks past her due date but the labor was much easier than her first to the relief of Klara. She waited for Ville to get back from the bathroom to hold her hand and 4 pushes later their daughter entered the world screaming.

She was already so much different than her brother. She had dark hair, her mother's dark complexion and a louder personality from the very beginning. Ville cried tears of joy the first time he held Hana for Aari to see and her older brother immediately kissed her cheek.

For the next few years they went through potty training the two kids, all of the usual firsts and Aari starting school. Ville cried when he returned home from dropping him off the first day he had to leave Aari, his son stared at him with tears in his eyes and waved when he saw his dad leaving. Klara comforted Ville and told him that there would be days like that but they'll get through them together.

One Saturday night all 4 of them were around dinner table eating spaghetti that Klara made from scratch for everyone and Ville couldn't help but look at his family and smile. Aari was 5 and was shoveling his "pasghetti" into his mouth and Hana was in her high chair, hair in pigtails and chasing a noodle around with her small hands. Klara sat to his right with a smile on her face watching Hana. He could even swear Klara was glowing.

The family had dessert and an hour later Klara succesfully tucked the little ones into bed. All was quiet in their house with the exception of the tv quietly humming the opening credits for the movie they picked out together. Ville met Klara on the couch with a glass of wine for each.

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