Into the night.

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"All seems to be developing normally and right on schedule for 12 weeks. There's a strong little heartbeat, and there's the baby's little fingers and toes." The ultrasound tech showed Klara cheerfully.

Klara smiled, watching the baby wiggle on the screen. She quickly sent Ville a video of the ultrasound. In the past few weeks she watched her body slowly begin to change. She was just starting to show and Lina squeeled the first time she saw Klara's bump.

Thankfully the doctor let her off of bed rest after her last appointment and Klara was able to paint more and take walks with Ethan in the evenings. They talked about life, Ville and what had been going on with them both. She kept her parents out of their issues as much as she could but Ethan had caught the gist of it.

"So how are you and Ville doing nowadays?" Ethan asked.

"We're actually really good. We stay in touch as much as we can. He usually texts me in the morning and calls me every night after a show." Klara answered wistfully.

"That's good to hear. I've been worried about you, kiddo." Ethan stated.

"I know, dad." Klara Sighed, "But everything's fine now."

"I believe you. I trust your judgement, Klara. I can't help but worry, just in a father's nature." Ethan giggled.

Klara just nodded. They walked in silence down the quiet street for a some time, taking in the cool fall air. This was the longest Klara was home in a few years and she missed it more than she thought.

After Hannah died she did her best to do things they talked about doing when they finished college. Traveling was always at the top of their list. She didn't see much point in sticking around with her closest friend gone. Sure, Klara had other friends but they were acquaintances compared to Hannah. She was the only person Klara ever let her walls down with.

Now she had Ville, but there was always a part of herself that she felt was missing.

It was still terrifying doing all of this without her there. She would have been so excited about the baby and now Klara felt like she had no one to share that excitement with. She never gave herself time to make new friends, much less a best friend.

She knew it was her hormones getting the best of her but she started to tear up. She tried to hide it from Ethan the best she could but she began to sniffle. Ethan turned to look at her and a worried expression spread across his face.

He stopped walking and asked, "Are you sure everything is alright with you and Ville?"

"Yeah, I just, I was thinking about Hannah. She would have have been so excited." Klara broke into sobs.

Ethan immediately held his weeping daughter.

"I know, sweetheart." He soothed, "Me and your mom were talking about her today. But you know damn well she would have fussed you for crying."

"I know. It's just so hard with the hormones. I feel so alone." Klara answered, catching her breath.

"You aren't alone in this, Klara. You never will be. You have me, your mom, and even the skinny man. When he isn't being a dipshit." Ethan laughed.

Klara laughed. Her dad always had his own special way of doing that, even when she was at her lowest. She didn't know what she'd without him.

The next morning Klara rose with the sun, to her annoyance. She decided to take advantage of the morning light and went onto the back porch to work on her painting. It had been coming along but she still wasn't quite satisfied with it.

She was working on the moonlit sky when Ethan abruptly walked out with a newspaper in his hand. He handed it to her with a twinkle in his eye without saying anything. Klara unfolded it and scanned the page.

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