Where I want to be.

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Ville planned to make the trip back to Pennsylvania as soon as Klara told him she was going to be featured in and Art exhibit. He didn't know enough details so he got in touch with Ethan as soon as he could and they planned the surprise together. Ethan seemed just as excited about it if not more so than Ville.

When the most recent tour ended he immediately went home to rest for a night and bought a ticket to for the next morning. If he planned everything correctly he would be right on time. He even went one step above and bought a new suit for the occasion.

He made one last stop before returning home to buy one more thing for the trip. He hoped Klara would love it but he couldn't help but be nervous about it. His nerves were starting to take over as usual.

He paced around his house for hours the morning of the flight. He couldn't wait to get to her but he couldn't help but fidget. He knew she would be showing at this point. Everything had happened so fast in the past few months. They were both still changing and growing. He felt guilt because she was changing across the globe and he hadn't been there to witness any of it.

She was undoubtedly the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on and the more he got to know her he realized her soul matched. He felt his heart tugging him in her direction the moment their eyes met each others. The timeline of them seemed so irrational to most, including his own father.

But he didn't care.

He knew what he wanted, and he knew the moment he laid eyes on the perfect stranger. The first time he saw her he didn't realize she was the love of his life but his heart did. He was happy just to be near her but he was in absolute awe of her strength. Her ability to rise from situations that would make others crumble but blossom instead was what he admired the most. Aside from a few other other things.

When the band's fame really started to rise you could find Ville on any given night in a bathroom at a bar or a house party snorting coke, drinking anything that was offered to him and fucking any woman that batted her overly made up eyes at him. He was at rock bottom after everything Jonna put him through, he didn't care about himself or anything else anymore even when his friends were worried. He certainly didn't believe in love, much less love at first sight.

Things did a complete 360 in the last few months and even though it had been a roller coaster he wouldn't trade it for anything. Even if it meant he had to give up his dream to keep her, but she already told him that would never happen. She was the first person that he has ever been with that fully supported him, through the good and the bad.

He walked into the Art exhibit with his nerves at an all time high. He had taken a puff of his inhaler when he exited his cab just for good measure. Last thing he wanted was to pass out when he saw her again.

He spotted Klara's parents and made his way over to hug Lina and shake Ethan's hand.

"Where is she?" Ville asked Lina while nervously glancing around.

"She was around the corner by her painting last time I saw her. Don't be nervous." Lina giggled, her kind eyes squinting with her smile.

"I just can't wait to see her." Ville smiled back.

Lina patter his shoulder and they shared a smile before Ville walked around the corner. He made his way around small groups of people until he finally spotted Klara. She had her back to him and she was looking up at what he realized was a painting of the marina in Finland. He smiled to himself. It was beautiful.

He stood silently and admired Klara. She was in a long dress that made her appear even shorter, her dark hair reaching the middle of her back.  He watched her reach out and gently touch where her brush strokes had moved.

He broke himself out of his trance and approached her. The painting was even more beautiful up close. She hadn't noticed his presence behind her so he finally piped up.

"Klara, it's beautiful." Ville marveled.

Klara whipped around in surprise to face him, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Ville! What are you doing here?" Klara squealed.

"I wouldn't have missed your big debut for anything." Ville smiled warmly, "Are your surpised?"

"I'm more than surprised." Klara smiled, grabbing his hands and pressing her lips to his.

They stood there for what felt like an eternity with their foreheads pressed together until Klara backed away. She hadn't stopped smiling at Ville since the moment they made eye contact. Ville's eyes however went down to her stomach. He knew she would be showing but he couldn't have anticipated the emotions that tore through him when he saw it with his own eyes.

"I know. I look like a cow." Klara laughed.

"Far from it." Ville stated, pulling Klara into a hug, "I love you,Klara"

"I love you too, Ville." Klara sniffles.

Their hug was short lived when Ville watched a woman approach from behind Klara. She looked nervous and standoffish even. Ville whispered in Klara's ear, "I think that woman wants to speak to you."

Klara let got and Ville watched as she turned to face the woman and her smile faded. She was immediately in tears and so was the woman. The stranger immediately grabbed Klara and they hugged, both still crying.

Ethan and Lina walked up and stood by Ville and both also had tears in their eyes. Ville was the only person in the circle that was confused until realization dawned on him and he remembered. Klara had told him last time he came to see her that she kept in touch with Hannah's mother through Emails but she hadn't saw her since the funeral. She moved states away after her passing and Klara was piecing her life back together as well and began to travel.

Tears sprang to his eyes watching Klara weep. He knew how hard it was for her to even talk about Hannah. He hated seeing her in any kind of pain.

Klara and the woman stopped crying. They pulled away from each other and Ville watched as she put a hand on Klara's stomach. A few stray tears fell from her eyes.

"Hannah would have been so excited." She finally broke the silence.

"I know. I wish she were here to see all of this." Klara motioned to the painting and Ville.

The woman finally made eye contact with Ville and shook his hand, "It's nice to finally meet you. My girl warned Klara for years that she was going to find you." She giggled, wiping her tears.

"Klara told me all about Hannah. It's nice to meet you as well." Ville smiled warmly.

Lina and Ethan were catching up with Hannah's mom, Anne, when Klara approached Ville. A small smile on her face, "You look amazing in the suit by the way." She winked.

"Thank you, my love." Ville laughed, putting his arm around her and pulling her close to him.

"So what do you think of it?" Klara asked.

"I think it's beautiful, Klara. Is it of where I think it is?" Ville asked.

"It is. It's one of my favorite memories." Klara replied softly.

Ville smiled. He couldn't have known that night that they would be here, in this moment, with how wonderful  things are just months later. He couldn't wait to see what this life brought them in the long run.

Klara slipped away to go speak to the owners of the studio. He watched her for a moment and his eyes glanced back to the painting. She made something familiar so beautiful. She made everything so beautiful. He watched everyone around him looking at different art pieces and chatting.

The night was coming to an end. His hand slipped into his pocket and he fiddled with the small box that sat inside. He looked back up at Klara and his crooked smile reached his green eyes.

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