It's worth all wounds.

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Birds were loudly chirping and the sun was streaming in the bedroom when Klara opened her eyes. She turned over and looked at Ville. He was still laying on his back with his arm around her and snoring. Loudly. Klara crawled out of bed and decided to make coffee.

She had a hell of a time searching the kitchen cabinets to find the coffee, only to find it in the freezer.
She decided to sit out on his patio and enjoy the cold morning air with her cup. She sat on one of wrought iron chairs by a table and deeply inhaled the cold air.

She was still processing the night before. Deeply embarrassed about the suppressed feelings that came pouring out the night before.

She was sitting quietly with her thoughts for half an hour before she heard the patio door open behind her. Ville was pulling on a hoodie and yawning simultaneously when he sat on the steps. He gave her a sleepy smile.

"Good morning. What are you doing out here in the cold, Love?" Ville asked sleepily.

"Morning. I love the cold. Plus I have coffee to keep me warm." Klara said smiling.

"How are you, uh, feeling?"

"A little embarrassed and, well. A little sore to be honest." She laughed.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed. I'm happy that you felt comfortable enough with me to share something like that. I know it's hard but I feel closer to you. I know something important about your life, Klara. I'm sorry about the soreness, though. I tried to go slow." Ville said with a laugh, "I was just trying to give you what you wanted."

Klara's face turned beat red, considering she was in fact the one who wanted it. They sat in silence for a few moments before Ville stood up to walk over to her. He leaned over her and they stared into each others eyes for a few seconds before Ville kissed one of her cheeks, then the other and finally her lips.

"I'm sorry I ruined our time last night. I just couldn't help-"

"Please, Klara. Don't apologize." Ville squatted in between her legs and held both of her hands, "I need you to understand. I want to know everything I can about you. Your dreams, your fears, the things that are important to you. Hannah was important and still is. Please, never apologize for sharing with me again. I want to know you."

Klara was at a loss for words. She always had a hard time opening up about things like she had last night. She was still shocked. She thought about Hannah every day, sometimes a few times a day but this was the first time she ever openly talked to someone about her before. Even though she had cried she felt how relieving it was to finally talk.

"Come here," Ville said before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a him, "Please don't ever be afraid to share with me. I may not have been through the same things but that will not make me less understanding, Klara."

She knew that but he would never understand how hard it was for her to talk about the more serious things in her life. She was also still trying to get used to hearing her birth name more than her nickname, but it felt more personal when he called her Klara. She shivered even though she had grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around herself before she sat outside.

Ville stood up and said, "Let's get you inside before you turn into a popsicle, love."

Ville plopped down on the couch where his coffee was still steaming on the table in front of him. He grabbed an old beat up looking acoustic guitar that was leaning against the other side of the couch and started strumming. Klara sat across in a big cozy looking chair and was admiring his playing when the phone started ringing.

Ville jumped up to answer it and switched from English to Finnish at the drop of a hat. It was crazy to her how fluent his English is but how easy it was for him to switch back to Finnish. Which sounded insanely complicated to her but came so easy to him.

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