Dead-line-Chapter 1

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Dead-Line: By Jaimee Petrella

        Looks didn't matter here, not on this planet, this horrible planet of no escape.

Through the gash on my side I could see my discoloured skin, it had turned a hue of purple that was so dark it could almost pass for black. To my amazement, small holes could be seen all over my back, it looked like a bad case of achy, but I knew it wasn't that innocent. I lifted my pinkie figure and pulled my skin tight so I could see the holes in close view, they expanded like a balloon, leaking a white sap like liquid from them. Soon it turned into a small black bug that crawled from my tight skin, like a baby wiggling its way from its mothers womb. I jerked back, feeling a wave of sickness wash over me. I felt frozen, paralyzed, and yet distant, as if it wasn't my body.

I poked another one of the holes, and I could feel something moving under my skin. I could feel the tiny bugs swarming inside me, I could feel them growing deeper, eating, chewing. I had an itch that I could never scratch, deep within me. It was as if it were my bones that itched.

Through my unclear mind, I started to think, but thinking was harder than anything at that moment, but it seemed to be the only thing I had any control over. I thought of how I had come to this place, how all this had occurred in just a hundred and twenty hours. Now I was a walking plague, stuck to die with people I would have never even sat in the same room with, let-alone die with. But it's amazing the difference a few hours could make, minutes could mean life, or death, seconds could mean more.


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