Dead-line-Chapter 9

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The whole morning I had kept the fire going, but I had to do something more. I was board around camp, waiting for everyone else. I slept in and that gave me a bad head ach. I wanted a shower, but I didn't know where to go since Anna never told us where the water was, and I just never asked Bill. I didn't like Anna anyways, Bill had told me he was going to marry her, I didn't like it, she seemed like she cared more about herself then my brother. And that drowning incident proved it. She wasn't the girl for him, I had been whispering such stuff in his ear for the whole time we had been here, and I think it worked because he hadn't talked to her like a girlfriend since. But he hasn't told me he was calling off his plains yet either. Mom and dad seem to like her, but when you're around parents you always act on your best behaviour, not so much with the siblings. I was, at the moment, walking through the woods, when I heard scrambling through the bushes, then out came Mister Tom, and Bill, they were sweating profusely and were out of breath. They just kept muttering the same words, "we need to find Katie, we need to find Katie, we need to find Katie."


"Hello? Hello?" I screamed, but there was no answer, Katie was starting to lose her cool.

"We need to get help, don't you have a plain."

I was starting to get adgestated, what did she what me to do? "I have a plain, but you won't like it!" I snapped, I was hoping others would be at camp so I could have more than one person's opinion.

"Then what's your plain?" before I had a chance to answer, Rebecca walked out of the lean too.

"What's wrong?" Her voice trailed off as she saw Katie. "What happened? Oh my God!" 

That was the one question I neglected to ask, how did this happen?


I had explained to Rebecca what had occurred, she seemed different, not as self centered, and more helpful overall. I didn't read into it too much, but felt closer to her. 

"Do you remember what happened?"

"i-i don't know, I was walking through the forest last night, and then something big came running at me, it was so dark, I didn't see it, I tried to run away, but it garbed me with its teeth, and then I woke up by the water, and saw you." she was talking so fast, I couldn't make out some of the words, but got the just of what she had said. She seemed out of breath by the end of it, and started breathing heavily.

"Is there anything you can tell us about this thing?" Rebecca asked, patting Katie on the shoulder, and it seemed to slow her breathing slightly.

"It was really fury, like...." 

"Like a bear." Bill said, finishing Katie's sentence, and emerging from the tree line.

"Yeah, how did you...." Mister Tom silenced her with his hand.

"We saw the bear, it tried to attack us, but we killed it and saw a piece of your pants hanging from it." 

"We came back to camp to tell everyone to start looking for you, but you were already here." Bill said, and gave me a smile. He walked over to me, "how you holding up?"

"Fine, I'd be better if my boyfriend would talk to me." I snapped, dismissing his hand and taking Rebecca spot beside Katie. "We need to cauterize your wounds, or they'll become infected." I said calmly to Katie, she seemed to understand.

"Will I feel it?" she said.

"Do you feel the hurt now?"


"Then you wont, I promise."

"I'm not going to leave here alive am I?" she asked, and something in her eyes told me she already knew the answer, and was looking for conformation. But I couldn't give it too her, I couldn't give it to her.

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