Dead-line-Chapter 4

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"Worse comes to worse, Pablo knows we're here! He'll get asked questions when we don't come back." I said.

"how long will that take? Weeks, months?" Mister Tom exclaimed. 

"He wont get asked shit, he's moving tomorrow to California." Bill said, his face buried in his hands. 

"well they'll track him down." I said.

"no they wont! We're fucked, Anna, Don't you get that?" Rebecca scoffed. I was taken aback because I had never herd her say my name before, she had always said girl, or hey you. 

Rebecca had protested at Mister Tom's request to going to find food, shelter and water, but soon she came with us. Mister Tom just said plainly, "do you want to stay here by yourself when night falls?" and she came. We started to truck into the forest, it was a large forest, and it was hard to believe that it was in the middle of a building. There were squirrels, birds, and even bugs. Maybe they built the building and doom around it? That was the only possible explanation. But why would they? What made this place so important? Why did they put us in the doom? I decided it was best to think about shelter, food and water, and not the nosy questions a real reporter would ask. 

Kylie hadn't said much, and was lagging behind. Bill and Mister Tom were at the front of the line, well Rebecca and I were keeping a close second. Kylie was six meters back, and I soon dropped from my spot to walk beside her. "What's wrong?" I asked, placing my hand on her shoulder lightly. 

"I'm fine, just a little freaked out."

"we all are. Do you want to rest?"

"no, I'm fine, I'll keep up." She gave me a forced smile, and I gave one back. We kept walking. 

"where are we going?" I said finally to Mister Tom. 

He stopped, "we're going to find a clear patch to make camp, and then we'll go into groups to find food and water."

Rebecca spoke up, "how long do you think we're going to be here?" her tone was seeking an argument, and I had a feeling she would soon reseve it. 

"as long as we have to." He said simply.

"as long as we have to? I'm not going to be here until 'help' happens along! No way, I have to get the fuck out of here now!"

"If they were going to let us out, they would have already done it! Don't you see? Were stuck here until someone from the school starts to miss me, or your parents send someone here! But even then, it's the government! They can do whatever they want! They can make us disappear!"

That shut her up, she stopped, and her vengeful eyes changed to sobs and tears. All she was good for was crying! We kept going; we trucked on as night fall came.


After about another fifteen minutes of walking, we came to a small clearing. The forest was dark, and the sounds of animals and bugs in the night scared me. It always had, the first time I went camping I was too scared to sleep, and was too tired when morning came to do anything that involved moving a foot from my bed. I could never sleep in a forest, now, no tent, and I was doing what I dreaded. 

Mister Tom turned to face us, "this is where we sleep." He said plainly, falling to the ground.

"Where we sleep?" Rebecca squealed, "We can't sleep here! Not out in the open like this!"

"What's going to cover us? We don't have tents? We don't have anything!" Kylie said, it was the first thing that had passed her lips beside small cries and weeps since our coming to this place. 

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