Dead line-Chapter 7

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An hour passed, in that time Rebecca calmed herself, and I collected Mister Tom from his cutting of wood. We all sat around the fire, but it was dimming, Katie had been with me for the morning and hadn't kept it up, but it kept us warm. The night air seemed to drill right through you, into your bones, and maybe past them. It was hard to keep track of how many days we had spent here, how many cold dark nights by the fire, how many frightful nights, but yet, it didn't seem as scary as it did, the horror was subsiding, and I could take anything. It felt as if I had been here my whole life, and the other life was another person, a more innocent person, when all she cared about was school, but now, now things had changed and that girl wanted things back the way they were, the way they were meant to be, but it would never be, it would never be the same again. Death was close, sometimes this girl could feel it breathing down her neck, and sometimes she thought that was the source of the chill, the chill that drilled into her every now and then, giving her a preview of the future, her future, but she knew in the back of her mind that she had no future. But then sometimes, just sometimes this girl would remember that she was that girl and the horror would return of what had happened, and what was yet to come. 

"What do you think it is?" Katie said, bringing me back to the problem at hand, Katie was in front of me, across from the small dying fire, the heat given off by the fire was making the air wave back and forth making me feel a dizzy spell come over me. 

"You know what I think it is?" Rebecca said, "I think it's the government trying to kill us!" she screamed, she was losing her calm that she had collected over the course of the hour.

"I don't think so?" I said plainly, twirling my hair around my middle finger. My hair looked black at that moment, it may have been the light, or the twinkling stars over us, with the filter of a pain of unbreakable glass that shielded us, but it looked raven black, with almost a blue tinge to it.

"What do you think it is then? This isn't fucking normal, there messing with us!" Rebecca replied, her voice seemed irate, but disappointment entered her voice too. 

"I think it's the government, we already know whatever it is was to be used for the army, it can't be a bomb or nuclear cause we'd be long gone already, and it can't be a virus put in the air to kill the opposing side because we'd be dead already, and what is the use of such a slow acting drug...." I was cut off by Mister Tom.

"So far Anna all you've said was what it couldn't be, what is it?" he asked calmly. "I've been showing signs of whatever it is, the brushing is all up my back, and my head hurts, I feel stiff, like I've been frozen too."

"I was getting to that." I snapped, putting my finger up in the air to silence the talking that had begun. "I think if it was made for the army and wasn't made to kill the opposing side, it must be to help the army."

"How is all this fucking shit going to help the army?" Rebecca screamed.

"I think all this stuff is just side effects, think about it, they must have been testing the drug, seeing what was going to happen to animals, but then we stepped in."

"That theory doesn't explain why they locked us up." Kylie said. 

"Maybe they didn't know what the side effects are, and didn't want to let us go." I said, "I think that it's a supper drug."

"A supper drug?" Bill said.

"Yes, Rebecca tested that theory; I think this drug makes it so you can't die." 

"That's not possible!" Katie said. 

"I know, it's a little beyond our science, but the government conducts experiments all the time, and I know it's possible to speed up the healing possess."

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