Dead-line-Chapter 8

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I had been at camp ever since I had been taken ill, in this dumb lean too, thinking, feeling my body not hurt, thinking how when that bullet passed through my brain I didn't die, and how I couldn't die. Whatever this thing in the air was it had to be causing this, the bruising that had consumed all my body, the bubbling up of the skin on my back, my eyes to sink into my skull, my head to hurt, and the stiffness. It had to be, but what was it? What could it be? It could be, I guess, what Anna said, but I don't know, how could she know it? Anna had always had brains, and I guess the looks too. I was never good in school, never smart like her, and my looks, well, they would fade, but heart would never. I had wanted to be Anna since I first saw her, but she didn't like me, she hated me, I didn't know why? I hadn't done anything to her, well, maybe that's a lie, I had been jealous of her since the moment I saw her too, so I was competing with her, showing off, but deep down I wanted to be her friend, but I never had a chance. She was forever making accusations of me without any background, like she had with this theory, but I wanted to believe this theory, but I couldn't, I couldn't believe it would all be 'okay' not when my fucking skin was falling off! I had to do something, I hadn't been useful around camp, I hadn't started the fire, I hadn't kept it up when Katie left, I hadn't done anything but mooned and grown, and what was that going to help? I couldn't just sit around this lean too for the rest of my life, and I knew it wouldn't be long, I would die here, and I had come to peace with it. I tried to calm down as much as I could after the bullet thing, I realized it wasn't doing any good, and tried to stay out of the way. But now, now I had to do something, I would just obsess if I didn't do something, but what could I do?


I and Mister Tom were out the whole morning, we were hunting animals, not for food because we weren't hungry, but for fur, it was cold in this doom, maybe it was air conditioned? It didn't matter, it was cold, and none of us could take it anymore. But so far all we had found was squirrels, and dogs and we didn't have anything to sow multiple pelts together so we had to find a large animal that we could use of a blanket. I had been hunting with my dad before, but it was just birds, and I don't know if I'll be able to kill a larger animal. Mister Tom said that he's done it before, so I guess I'll just trust in him. Unfortunately we don't have much of anything, so we found some large sticks and sharpened them. I don't know how large an animal we can catch with sticks, but I guess it's worth a shot, and it may warm us up in the process. Dumb Rebecca used the last and only bullet in the gun that one of the government agents left behind so we have to use only sticks. We found so far: a rabbit, a snake, a dog, three cats, and of course the squirrels. Anna would not let us go and kill animals so I didn't tell her. She was always over protective, and I guess with our situation we had grown apart, but I loved her, no, I love her. She was my first girlfriend, and my only. Now that we were almost nine teen, I had decided to ask her, but then this happened and I hadn't had a chance. In my coat pocket now was the ring, it was shinny, and had a fairly big diamond with no blemishes. I had been saving for a year, working odd jobs here and there. And when this was over, I would ask. And that was if this was over. I hadn't been right since I drowned, Anna said I had no heartbeat, and I had been dead for at least an hour. How could I have been brought back? Your brain dies in four minutes, how about thirty minutes? There's on coming back, yet I am. I hadn't spoken to Anna since, I don't know why but I just haven felt right, and Anna just made me think about my life before this, and I know that's no excuses, but yet I don't want to talk to her, I don't want too.


"My leg, I can still move it, look." Katie said. 

"Katie, that's not possible." My voice trailed off, I looked down at her leg, and there they were, her knee was bending, and un-bending. "Are you doing that?"

"Yes, how is that possible?' 

"I don't know." I moved down to her legs, "do you feel this?" I touched her foot.

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