Dead-line Chapter 3

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We resumed our walk down the hallway, it was quit easy to find the sigh that the man was talking about. We were lead into a small wing of the air port. Once we entered the room there was Bill's friend. 

"Hey Bill!" he said, "I was waiting up for you guys." he held out his arms and Bill was quick to give him a strong hug. 

"This is Pablo." Bill said, turning. Pablo messed up Bills hair and gave me a quick corky smile that was plastered from ear to ear. 

"And who's your lady friend?" Pablo asked, cutting Bill off in mid sentence.

"that's my girlfriend Anna." Bill replied proudly. Pablo started to walk around me, his chest pressed out like a pekoe trying to impress me, or intimidate me.

Bill cleared his throat, Pablo automatically stopped his strut around me looking like he had been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. if I didn't know any better I would say he forgot the rest of us where there. 

I looked around at the group, "where's Rebecca?" I asked. 

"I don't know?" Katie said, "she was behind me a minute ago."

"probably went off to powder her nose." I murmured. Katie stepped out into the hallway and took a look. 

"I don't see her out here." she said.

"she probably went to the washroom." Pablo said, standing next to me. he was short, but handsome. he had big brown eyes, thick black hair that was almost blue and a thin well built body. i found myself looking at him much like he was to me, but i knew as soon as Rebecca showed her lovely black flowing hair and beated those lovely eyes she would have him.

"Rebecca!" Katie called across the hordes of people. "Rebecca!"

"you called?" a voice came from behind me. 

"Rebecca!" Mister Tom said, "where were you? we've been looking." his eyes narrowed.

"I-I" Rebecca started but didn't finish. 

"don't badger the young lady." Pablo said, "we have to get a move on anyways." Pablo winked at her and she blushed. 

"oh brother." I said under my breath. Pablo was a horn dog alright.


Pablo told us some dumb story about his high school years. Lets just say he looked a lot younger than he actually was. He said he was finished school. That means that he must, at lest be twenty-five, but looked my age. I felt kind of weird having been hitted on by such a old guy. 

I asked Bill after Pablo's tale where he had met him, Bill replied, "Our parents were friends back in the day." but didn't say much else. 

It took awhile but soon we started towards the plan. I was thinking we would be in a lucktery craft complete with TV's and cup holders, or at least cup holders. When we walked into the small room I noticed this thing was far from a luckery craft. 

"aent't she a beauty?" he said tapping the front end. I thought that with that small tap the whole front might fall off. 

"uh-uh" Rebecca muttered under her breath, "uh-uh, I'm not going on that thing!" 

"well she got some rust, but eh, we all have some rust." he chuckled. "climb in, you'll find it nicer inside." I shrugged my shoulders before being the first to climb up the small rusty steps that had been pre-laid down. Bill followed soon after, followed by Mister Tom. 

"come on." Pablo said. Rebecca still stood there, her arms crossed. 

"uh uh, no way." she said, shaking her head. 

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