Dead-line-Chapter 6

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I awoke that morning to screams coming from the camp fire. I thought as I walked out of the tent, 'it's probably Rebecca again' but as I looked out the door I saw that Kylie was sitting there holding her knee in pain. I ran over, but Bill was already there, Katie was walking out of the lean too rubbing her eyes vigorously. Her face was pale, her pulps dilated, her skin grey. This had taken its toll on her, but it had me too

"What happened?" I asked Bill, whom had the knife in his hand.

He didn't answer, just pulled his hand free from Kylies knee. There I saw what had happened. There where maggots crawling in and out of her gash in her knee, white eggs could be seen in the corners. Fly's buzzed overhead, soon taking refuge in her cut that spun five inches or her knee. 

"How did this happen? Maggots only live in dead flesh, or badly infected flesh."

"I don't know, but I guess the cut got infected and the flesh died cause she says it doesn't hurt."

"it didn't look infected last night." I said, stunned by the sight. 

"Well, I don't know."

"What are you going to do with that knife Bill?" Kylie wailed. 

"I have to cut off the dead flesh." Bill replied hesitantly. 

"What makes you think that it won't get infected again?" I said, feeling sick to my stomach, the rotten feeling returning. 

"Well, what do you think we should do? Leave her like this?" Bill was getting annoyed with my protest. 

I replied quickly "No, I just don't think making the cut larger is going to help the matter."

Kylie broke in, "I can feel them under my skin!" she cried.

"I have to." Bill said, moving his hand slowly, pondering the knife in his hands, thinking of what the best thing to do way. I could see him eying the knife, feeling it move over his figure tips. 

"fine." I said, turning my head as Bill began to cut. Kylie screamed in pain, but soon the flesh had been cut free from her leg. I turned as I heard the cutting stop. 

Her leg was covered in blood, and the cut seemed to go in approximately three centimetres now. It looked as if he had skinned that one portion of her leg. The flesh that had been cut off was in a small pile a foot from me, the maggots tried to escape, and fled into the ground below us. digging small holes in the ground, and disappearing. 

"oh my gosh!" I screamed. Kylie seemed fine, she had a glazed over expression on her face, as if she wasn't all there. But really, would I be all there if I just had a huge portion of my leg cut off? But it was the way she seemed, as if she was looking at herself from the outside in, as if she was indeed already dead. But we would all die sometime? And this thought scared me, I wanted out, I don't want to die here, I can't, I have too much I still have to do. If I die here no one would remember me, well, my parents but they would die and that would be it, I never made anything of myself, nothing, maybe I pulled off a few good grades, but I hadn't done anything significant in my life. I need to be remembered, a book, maybe someone will find out what the government has done and make a book. A book that's published in all languages, a best seller! I have to keep my head; I need to keep my head in the direction of the future. If I keep thinking about this I'll start to obsess and I won't be able to think of anything else. I needed my mind, that was all I had left. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Kylie. She didn't answer at first, but soon she looked up at me. 

"I'm fine, it didn't hurt." She said, the same distant, glazed over expression.

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