Dead-line-Chapter 5

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Rebecca stayed outside all night, she wasn't in the lean too when I awoke, nor was Mister Tom. My feet where cold, but I would live, I let my shoes dry all night, so I would think they would be dry now. 

I woke up last; as Katie got out I awoke. It was too cold; I could hardly believe it was a heat wave. It's weird, when it's hot out you wish for winter, and when it's cold out you wish for summer, but that was the way I always was, always had been, and probably always will be.

"What's going on?" I asked Katie, "It's so early."

"It's Rebecca."

"What's she screaming about this time? "I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"That's the problem, she's being too quiet."

"What do you mean?" I stopped rubbing my sore eyes and looked up at her.

"She's gone!" my eyes were blurred, but I could still see the worry-filled expression that consumed her face.

"What do you mean she's gone?" I asked, getting out of bed and taking a stand next to her kneeling position on the dirt floor.

"Can't you hear them?" she said, "they're calling for her."

I listened, they were calling 'Rebecca, Rebecca where are you?'

"Your right!" I said "where did she go?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out!" she said, still looking through the crack in the wood. She got from her knees to her feet and walked out, leaving me. I followed shortly after; I didn't bother to put on my shoes.

Katie was a few meters ahead of me, but I ran to catch up. My eyes felt heavy, they felt far back, like they had sunken into my skull, I was tired, anyone could see that.

I reached Bill, whom was looking at the ground and didn't notice us approach.

"What happened?" Katie asked, Bill jerked back slightly, but then regained his footing.

"We just woke up and she was gone, we think something's wrong with her this time!"

"Why?" I asked.

"She said some weird ass shit to Mister Tom last night."

"Like what?" Katie asked, laying a hand on my arm.

"Stuff like, 'if I die here, don't leave me in the forest.'"

"So you think she's gone off to kill herself?" Katie said, reading into it a little too much in my opinion.

"We don't know, all we know is she's missing." he said, gasps escaping his lungs.

"you should go back and get some sleep, you almost died last night, your in no shape to be running around like this." I said, at that Bill smiled, but didn't stop his quest. he had a look in this eye, and I knew that I shouldn't have brought it up, he didn't want to talk about it, like the last time I had saved him, I knew that he would try to avoid me at all costs, because every time he would look at me he would think of that incident again. I didn't need that now, I needed him to need me, I needed him to talk to me, but I wouldn't get that, our situation had changed, but he hadn't, and I wondered if that was good or bad. 

Me and Katie went off into the forest, I didn't look at my feet, nor put on shoes, it didn't matter, there was no time, seconds counted if Katie was right.

"Why would she kill herself?" I asked.

"I don't know, is the dog gone too?"

"I didn't see her."

I was out of breath after five minutes of running and stopped to sit on a log, Katie didn't object to this, and took the spot beside me.

"I'm pooped!" I asked, the last of my breath escaping my lips.

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