Dead-line-Chapter 10

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"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Katie let out a loud scream as we pushed the metal onto her contorted body. But it wasn't a scream of pain, Katie knew that all too well, it was a scream of terror. It was a scream of UN-feeling, that was what scared her, that was what scared all of us, not feeling pain.

How where we to know if something was wrong? How where we going to know if a vein burst in our head?

Not that it would matter, I guess it's better to not feel if you are going to die anyways. The horrible truth still remained -- with no doctor or medicine, every wound is fatal.

"how long do we hold it down?" Rebecca asked, her voice came out in short spurts with the effort it took to speak while excreting as much pressure as she was. She held my shoulder a little too tightly--there was no pain but I felt the pressure and knew a ting should have accompanied it on it's journey down my arm.

 I didn't even think of an answer to the question that had been asked--so I just blurted out a number.  "I guess about a minute for each half." I knew that she would die, even if we did seceded in closing the cut, we were still burning her insides, and that would most certainly be fatal. The way she had been severed was after her intestines, so it was just and blatter that had been cut off and her legs so she might be able function. But her urine will not be drained into her blatter. We had to have hope, we had to try.

I didn't divulge my doubts to the others, they would follow my leadership even knowing that I was wrong in even trying this procedure. They would follow me because I was someone to follow--someone who brought order to the chaos. That was what they all wanted--someone with all the answers. I was not that person--but I knew more than most--and most importantly I knew enough to see that death was just over the horizon letting it's hideous head peak out.

I didn't even  tell Katie my doubts on the situation-- either way she would have died. We where giving her a chance.

 Finishing her bottom half and starting her top half when I stopped and dropped the metal back into the fire. 

"what are you doing?" Bill asked, standing at Katie's head. 

"I just thought about her urine."

"what do you mean?" Mister Tom asked.

"I think her blatter has been severed, and if we close the wound where will the urine go?"

"into her body." Mister Tom said, sitting on one of the longs surrounding the fire.

"exactly." I said. 

"so what do we do?" Bill asked, his eyes becoming wide, his face hopeless.

"we could find the urinary meatus and pull it gently outward so we can let the urine drain as it comes out into a bag."

"what's a urinary meatus?" Rebecca asked.

"it's the tube extending from the bladder to that opening is called the urethra." I replied, feeling smart. 

"what ever that is." Rebecca murmured.

"it doesn't matter what it is, but I read a book and a saw a photo once, I think I can do it." 

Katie was seeming quiet, so I turned to look at her, she looked at me blankly, and I knew she was fading fast and we needed to act. "I'm doing it." I said, turning to where Katie's legs once were. I knelt down, "its okay bunny, you're going to be all right." I said, before getting started.

"Anna." Mister Tom said. 

"not now." I replied.

"Anna!" he said louder this time.

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