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ice cream

"yah," i tried to whisper to him as our distance is not that close. "are you nuts? what're you trying to do?"

he didn't bother answering me and continued to act dumbly in front of song yi.

i heard some muttering from behind and knew it was ae min, hee ra and soo yeon eonnideul. they were looking at a certain direction which made me curious about what they were looking at.

i stood up due to the fans and turned around. "d-daepyon-nim.." ceo yoon walked her way towards us and asked, "what's happening here? securities please stand in guard!"

seconds later, she saw taehyung and told him to leave. he was about to do so but ceo yoon came into a realization. "wait," she paused. "aren't you bangtan sonyeondan's kim taehyung?" she then folded her arms as he nodded in reply. "waeyo? ah! are you mad at me because i'm under ceo bang si-hyuk's entertainment?" taehyung chuckled and smirked.

"tsk, what a disrespectful kid that si-hyuk has." ceo yoon shook her head in disgust and told him to leave once again.

i didn't care about what's going to happen after this fansign but just wondered about why bts is here. ugh whatever. i'll just have ice cream after this disaster. this is so frustrating.


after the fansign, g-four had to go back to the dorm so we got inside the van, sighing in an exhausting way.

all of a sudden, the door slid open and we saw ceo yoon once again. aish. are we gonna get another lecture from 'professor yoon' again?

"tell me," her brows narrowed. "what happened there?!"
"daepyonim! it's all hye rin's fault!" hee ra eonni answered, blaming me for that whole thing. ceo yoon glared at me. "why is that so?" she asked.

"well.. ask her yourself." hee ra eonni rolled her eyes, looking irritated. woah, hold on there. if i mention taehyung in this situation, president yoon will definitely be mad at me. if i don't, hmm... "park hye rin! stop day-dreaming and answer me!" ugh. that startled me.

how do i answer now? aish.

a ringtone suddenly played which indicates phone calls. i have a similar ringtone but it wasn't mine. the other three members also searched because they had the same tone. heh, i guess we're all android users.

"yeoboseyo? (hello?)" president yoon suddenly said. oh wait, she answered her phone so it was her phone ringing.

while she was talking on the phone, i tried to think of what i should answer to her question. like seriously, i can't even think right now. hihihi.

"arasseo, i'll be back in twenty minutes then. alright, goodbye." she ended the call and kept her phone inside her bag. "park hye rin, i'll talk to you later when i drop by your dorm. i have to go as i have an appointment with reporter kang. if y'all have nothing to ask for, then bye." she walked out of the van and hopped inside her own car.

hee ra eonni stared awkwardly at me after blaming me for everything. oh gosh, i need to get out of this awkward case.

i also walked out of the van, deciding whether to buy ice cream now or later but someone who i never even expected, dragged me out of the car park to an ice cream stall. "here, have yours." he smiled.

"blueberry flavored ice cream. isn't that what you always buy whenever you're stressed or when a bad situation arises?" he asked. "wah, kim taehyung.. you remembered that but you didn't even remember my face. you alien jerk." i pouted and rolled my eyes.

"tch okay, okay, i'm sorry alright?" he apologized as he ate his ice cream slowly. i ignored him and he had to annoy me to make me answer him. "yah, i wasn't able to recognize you because you became way more thinner than before!"

"yah." he waved his hand in front of my face.
"park hye riiiiin ~ "
"ppuing ppuing ~ " he started to act cutely which made me laugh a bit. what the heck taetae. i know that i'm cuter than you so stop. (a/n: stahp hye rin, we all know that taetae is cuter. miann. lmao that damn aegyo tho.)

"so are you trying to say that i was fat before? hmpf." i folded my arms.

"i-i didn't mean that but.. i-i.." i didn't let him finish his sentence but bursted out laughing instead. "i get it kim taehyung. there's no need to explain. hahaha." i smiled and he also did.

"hm, i missed you park hye rin."
"nado. i missed you too taehyung-ah. i missed you a lot at that very point."

dear kim taehyung,

i met the old you. finally after years. i waited a lot for you, you alienn >w<

i gotta go now. i need to sleep taetae. jaljara!

park hye rin.

author's note
exam's finally overrr! woo! tralalaa.

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