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hye rin's point of view

as i woke up from my quick nap, i stood up and went out to get a drink from the kitchen just to be able to clear my mind.

"long time, no see.. chinguya." ji yeon stood up from the couch and walked towards me with her heels, noisily clacking against the floor.

"how did you get in h-here?" i asked, wishing that someone would immediately drag her out of the dorm at this moment. "eyy.. can't i at least visit my own best friend even though you're a celebrity now? pssh, our friendship's still the same as ever." she crossed her arm with a pout, acting innocent just in case one of the other members of g-four would come out to the living room.

"yah, hye rin-ah, your friend's right. stop being so cocky now that you're popular. we're both pop singers and we have rules to follow in order to protect our images. being mean isn't part of the rules. unless you want people to get a bad impression of you then go ahead. as the maknae of g-four, at least show some manners." ae min eonni came out of her room and deliberately told me off while walking straight to the kitchen.

ji yeon seemed taken aback but she eventually smirked after getting on minji eonni's good side. after ae min eonni went back to her room, i hesitantly dragged ji yeon out of the dorm so that i could end our conversation quick by saying what i wanted to say to her.

"what do you want this time round?!" i exclaimed but all she did was grin at me instead of answering as if seeing me get pissed off was amusing.

i chuckled. "don't tell me it's about jungkook again.." her grin disappeared from her face as i mentioned jungkook. "look, if it is, i can seriously assure you that--" "that what? that you have successfully seduced jungkook and that you asked him to make it clear to me that i'm just a nobody to him? or the fact that your dating scandal is just for a show so that you'd be able to cover up your feelings for jungkook away from everyone, especially me? WHAT PARK HYE RIN? WHAT?!"

author's note

ohooo, look who's baaack? hello again dear readers!
sorry for the long wait but i can definitely tell all of you that i'll be very active before the 2nd of january comes. heh, the first day of school's gonna start on that day and i'm kind of excited because i'm finally entering secondary school which i was supposed to do this year.

i have yet to confirm which school i'm attending as i'm only going to know the post-results on the 21st of december. 4 days before christmas *gasps in korean*

for those who messaged me or commented on my stories, asking how my primary school leaving examination went.. well all i can say is that it wasn't that hard as i anticipated but i didn't get the score that i expected.. anyway, i'm still proud of myself lalala i can't turn back time to change my answers so that i'd get higher marks so never mind. it's all over and it's time for celebration. lmao my phone's confiscated though ahahaha. fortunately, i still have my ipad :')

thank you for being patient and for cheering me regarding my psle! in exchange, i'll keep on publishing more chapters of to kim taehyung! whoop whoop. #anticipatemyfabness2k16 lmao

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