Chapter 2

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We just finished homeroom period and guess what.

Math is our first subject .u.

I just love it .u.

You know how happy I am? .u.

Just look at me! .u.

I'm so happy ಥuಥ

Now let's move on. Today we introduced ouselves,obviously. But this time me I didn't get nervous and cracked up my voice like year. I just casually told my name and my age and my address and that's about it.

Ohhh. And we got new classmates too! Mostly boys from the third and last section.

And I know why they got here. What's the reason? Obviously they cheat. I know these things because I get it a lot from my boy classmates.

I mean it's so obvious.

One time, we had a quiz and all the boys were copying and the teacher didn't even notice.

But there's this one guy who actually smart.

His name is Mingyu? I think? Idk. When he introduced himself, he had like this aura around him screaming SMART.

So the day went on and Math subject was actually kinda good. It wasn't pressuring at all. Well all of us were nervous though because obviously we just got out of our vacation.

/magical time skip to lunch bc i was hungry/

LUNCH. YASSSS. Wonder what did mom prepare.

I sat at our lunch table and quickly opened my bag to find my lunch bag. After I found it, I opened it slowly as if it was fragile.

YASS. She made me kimbap (≧∇≦)/

I ate my lunch happily with the squad.

"Hi Jiho!~" someone gretted me.

I had to look up to thre person because he was so tall.

"Oh hi..uhm..Mingyu right?" I said as I stuffed more kimbap into my mouth.

"Yeah." he replied with a smile on his face.

Ohh. What's disss (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) why you suddenly noticing me boi?? You lyk me don't ya? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jk. Maybe he just wants some kimbap.

"Ohh..want some kimbap? My mom made it." I said sacrificing...offering my kimbap to the Mingyu guy.

"Oh no thanks I just wanted to know if I got your names right.^^ Wouldn't want to embarrass myself infront of girls you know haha^^" he said as he walked away with his friends.

Told you. Told you he didn't want kimbap.

And told you because I knew he was just being friendly.


Oh boy oh boy! Man was lunch gewd!

Next subject, History.

/starts singing History/

Well at least I can be more confident on this because I loooooove history.

No seriously, I like learning about old ancient stuff.


The first day went well today! I saw a lot of new people. It's so refreshing to the eyes.

We were dismissed early considering it was the first day. That's why squad's going to hang out!~

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