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Tomorrow was a school camp to Busan, everyone started packing that night. V and I brought our things that we need for camp and pack them into two small bags.


The next day, we arrive at school right on time for the bus to arrive.

" Let's go in the bus " V told me.

" Okay, in a minute " I replied.

" V! Yein! " Jungkook shouted.

" Oh hi " V and I replied.

" Aren't you guys excited?" He asked us.

" Of course we are too " V answered.

" Me too " I said.

We all gathered in the bus and ride to the airport, there was 50 students attending camp so the bus was full.

" Everyone please bring all of your belongings down the bus and stay together " The bus driver announced.

" Yes! " The students answered.

We went out of the bus and in to the airport, we went in and got separated to 6 groups because we are sitting in different places on the plane. I was only with Jungkook, V, Yuri, Tae Rin, Lee Jung-Yeol, Junho. I was sitting with Jungkook and Junho, I got the window seat and Jungkook was next to me and Junho is beside him.

It was a bit awkward but since me and Jungkook has been hanging out, I suddenly felt normal.

" Do you need anything?" Jungkook asked me.

" No, I'm fine " I replied.

" Okay " He said to me.

Behind me was V and next to him is Yuri and Jung-Yeol, they were all sleeping.


Our plane was landing a few minutes before the movie I'm watching was ending. When we went off the plane we had to stay with the group the teacher sign us to be in. Everyone rushed in the bus and the bus driver slowly start the engine.

" We will be arriving at the camp site in about 50 minutes, please seat in the same seats as the plane so we wouldn't get mixed up " The teacher announced.

" Okay! " The class shouted.

We sat at our spots and did our own things,

" I need to go to the back for a while " Junho said to us.

He left his seat to the back,

" Yein..... Do you....Do you have... feelings for me?" Jungkook suddenly asked me.

" Why do you ask?" I said.

" I really.....really like you " He replied.

" If anything happens we will still be friends, but what are you exactly trying to say?" I questioned politely.

" Well... I'm not sure about that, but you are right we are friends no matter what" He told me.

" Okay........ let's not be awkward " I answered.

" Yeah" He said.

Suddenly a rock hit the window next to me and the glass broke, Jungkook pull me to his seat and hugged me really tightly. When I looked up, his face was right in front of mine.

" Are you okay?" He asked me.

" Yes " I said with a weak voice.

" What happened? are you guys alright?" The bus driver shouted.

" Yes! " The students shouted back.

" Is she okay?" V questioned Jungkook.

" I think so, she is just shocked " He answered.

" Okay lay her down in my seat for now " V said.

I was half awake, Jungkook carried me to the back and put me down in V's seat. Everyone came to look what had happened.

" Guys please move aside " V told everyone.

" Stay away a bit " Jungkook added.

" I think she's fine, just let her rest for a little " V said.

" Okay " The teacher replied with a shock face.


1 hour later,

" The bus we ordered is here, let's move " The bus driver announced.

" Okay! " Everyone shouted.

" Jungkook carry Yein for me, I'll take her things " V told Jungkook.

" Okay, sure" He replied V.

I got carried into the other bus that would bring us to the camp site on time. On the way, I was feeling a lot better so I stood up in a sitting position.

" Are you okay now?" Jungkook and V asked.

" Yes, I am" I answered.

" Good, that's a relief " V said.

"Do you need anything?" Jungkook questioned.

" I'm fine " I replied.

After a 2 hours trip from the airport, we finally arrive at the camp site. We all walked up the mountains together in groups and there was no teacher in our group because we are a group that the teacher can trust to go alone.

" I don't feel very well " I told V.

" How do you feel?" V asked me.

" Dizzy, weak and sick " I softly answered.

" Are you sure you can walk?" He questioned.

" I don't know " I said to him.

" Get on my back, hurry " V told me.

" Okay " I said.

V carried me and continue walking,

" What's wrong with her? " Jungkook asked V.

" She's sick, I'll take care of it " V explained to him.

" Okay, tell me if you need help " He replied.

We continued walking till V was really tired,

" You can put me down now" I told him.

" Are you okay?" V asked.

" A lot bettet thanks to you" I said.

" Okay then" V said while putting me down.

Author's note:

Hey guys! I hope this chapter is good^^ please read my other book DANGER* vote and comment

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