제33장( CU )

170 12 0

-Jungkook's pov-

In the morning, I woke up and went in the bathroom to change my cloths, when I was changing my top the door opened and I saw Yein, we shouted. After I was done I slowly walked out the door,

" Mmm...... I'm really sorry about that " She apologies.

" No It's my fault for not locking the door, I mean how would you know?" I told her.

-Yein's pov-

" Okay then, let's think that it didn't even happen " I said as I walk in the bathroom and lock the door.

" Okay, I'll be here " He said back.


After I took a quick bath and brush my teeth, I went out.

" I made your breakfast just now, just a simple one " He told me.

" Thanks, you didn't have to " I said back.

We ate a little and he took me out to the park for a walk,

" Thanks for taking me here " I told him.

" Can you really walk?" Jungkook asked.

" Yeah I think so " I replied.

As we walk he kept touching my hand,

" Can we.........( He tied his fingers around mine ) do this for a moment?" He said.

I was awkward in that position and didn't know what to say to him........

"Well.............. ( He pulled me closer and hugged me )." I whisper.

" That's okay, you can just keep quiet because I won't change my heart no matter what you say " He answered.


-V's pov-

I opened my eyes and saw a strange room,

" Where am I?" I asked myself.

" You're in the hospital you fool! You made me so worried!" My mom suddenly shouted.

" What happened to me? Where is Yein and Jungkook?" I asked mom.

" You fell from the stairs yesterday, Jungkook and Yein is at the park" Mom replied.

" Are they dating now?" I questioned.

" I'm not sure but yesterday after I saw them kiss, I have a bad feeling about this and you know what.... Jungkook slept with her yesterday " Mom said.

" Really? Wow!" I said back.

After like 10 minutes of talking to mom, Yein and Jungkook came in.

" Are you okay?" I asked Yein.

" Yeah I'm all better now " She answered.

" Good to hear " I told her.

At the evening,

The docter came in and said I could go home if I choose to,

" Really? Will I be okay?" I asked.

" V don't worry, go and have fun but don't jump or kick to much with that foot okay?" The docter added.

" Of course thank you doc " I replied.

I quickly pack myself and my stuff and went to Yein's room to say goodbye,

" Yein since I'm being discharge before you, I promise to come everyday after school and bring good food for us okay?" I told her.

" Okay, see you later than "
She replied.

I went home and rest for school the next day, I texted Jungkook

V: How is Yein?

Jk: She's fine

V: Great, are you going to school tomorrow?"

Jk: Yeah, I think so

V: Okay then, see you tomorrow!

Jk: Okay bye!

I turned of my phone and the lights and went straight to bed.


The next day, I woke up early to visit Yein at the hospital. I quickly change my cloths and took a taxi to the hospital. When I arrive there, Yein wasn't awake so I left a letter next to her bed and left for school.

When I arrive at school, I felt realky happy and excited to start the day.

" Hey you came back? Jimin asked.

" Yeah I had to, it's boring in the hospital everyday and sadly you guys are not there " I answered.

A crowd of girls suddenly ran to me,

" V oppa, are you okay? We are so worried " A girl said.

"  I'm fine now so don't worry too much "I replied.

" How is your feet oppa? "Another girl asked.

"  Getting better " I answered.

" Good, here is some snacks and notes from class you need " They lend me a pile of papers and snacks.

" Thanks guys " I said.

The girls left,

"  You accept the notes from them but not from me? " Jimin added.

"  No, I'm just making them feel happy " I said back.

I walked to my locker and put my things,  not long later I saw Jungkook.

" Hey, you're here " I shouted from the locker area.

"  Hey you came early today, Yein just woke up " Jungkook replied.

"  I came to the hospital at 5 but she was still asleep so I left her a note " I said.

"  Yeah I saw it " He said back.

We both went to class and the bell rang so class was starting.

Thanks everyone for reading and voting for my story^^
Sorry for the late update

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