4) The Letter: Part 2

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Mark walked into the kitchen, opening the envelope with his finger. Carefully, he slid the tab off, trying to spare the envelope - and its contents - any ripping.

"It doesn't have a return address," Mark wondered aloud, "So it's not a bill for anything."

"Then what is it?" Sean asked, spooking Mark as he entered the room.

"Jesus Christmas man, give me a warning!" Mark laughed, kissing Sean lightly before returning to the envelope in hand. His dark eyes scanned the opening he'd made, black eyebrows furrowed.

"What's the problem?" Sean questioned. He placed an arm around Mark's midsection, hugging him from the side. Mark slowly pulled the paper out of its place, unfolding it lightly.

"I honestly couldn't tell you, Sean. It just doesn't feel right."

He proceeded to look over the note, with Sean reading over his shoulder.

4:58 am. You two are cuddling in bed. Disgusting.

Attached to the note was a picture of the two of them in their bed. It looked to have been taken with a cell phone.

"Mark, what the hell is that?" Sean whispered. His grip on Mark's torso had become more tense.

Mark stared at the picture, then the letter, perplexed.

"Just ignore it," Mark said at last, ripping the letter and the photo, then throwing the pieces into the nearest trash can.

"Probably just another crazed fan, like that phone call." He said. He grabbed Sean's hand, brushing his lips across his nose.

"You're probably right," Sean sighed. He smiled lightly.

"I'm going to go make dinner."

"Alright love, I'll be out in a second. I just want to change my trash real quick." Mark retorted. He watched Sean leave, then shut the door. He picked up his small trash can, and picked out the photo pieces. He put them together on his desk, straightening them out until they recreated the original picture.

The only way someone could have taken it was if they'd been in the room. Mark scanned the photo, looking for an indication of the person being in their room. Nothing seemed to stick out.

He went to clear the pieces away, frustration written clearly in his features, until he saw it.

In the corner, down near the bottom of the bed, was darkness.

"Wait," Mark muttered, moving the pieces away that created the shadowed area.

"Is that...a smile?"

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