10) Transparency: Part 2

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Aaron's Perspective: 

"Alright Ash, it's time for you to get out," the warden yelled, shaking the cell bars. I sat up with a jolt, running a hand over my short, blonde hair in anger.

"Is that right, huh? Thirty days already?" 

The warden laughed, smacking the bars.

"Wise guy, eh? Yeah, thirty's up. Now get up, and let's go."

I slid off of my bed, padding on the cold concrete. My feet were chilled, but I was heated with ecstasy.

"Let's get your items, and then you'll be outta here." 

I smiled to myself, walking with my hands behind my back. 

I walked towards the front the door, breath hitched in my chest. Thirty days seems like nothing, but it feels like it's been years since I've breathed air that wasn't restricted. I looked out the window. Shaking, I placed my hand on the glass. The grass, green and fresh, beckoned my footsteps.

Opening the door of the county jail, I squinted at the brightness of the sun. I'd been outside, but everything felt so much more real, more surreal, than it had in jail.

"Thanks warden."

The warden smiled. 

"You on the road to change my boy?"

I smiled, stifling a giggle.

"Yeah, you could say that."

I walked to my awaiting car, opening the door to find my friend and roommate Jake waiting for me. 

"Missed you man!"

I smiled, staring out of the windshield. My eyes watered with the wind coming in from the window as we began to pick up speed.

I picked up his cell phone, looking at him to know if I could use it. He nodded.

Dialing the number, I waited for the response I needed.

"Welcome back to the real world, Aaron. Are you going to get caught again?"

"No, Chief," I said aloud, "I don't plan on it."

"Good boy. Now, what do you remember from your last mission?"

"Nothing much, other than the targets were trained to fight. They took my men and I on without much of an issue."

"Mark and Sean are a threat to our operation, Aaron."

I grimaced, touching the scar on my arm from its snap. 

"I know."

After a long silence, Jake patted my knee. I looked up, to see him touching a bat by his leg.

"We're going to need you to go back in."

I honestly didn't plan to turn everything like this. I might end up editing this before I continue, because I'm not sure if I'm going to take the story in this direction. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


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