14) Ego: Part 1

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"Ken, what the hell?!" Felix yelled. Ken glared down at him.

"I will gag you again if you don't hush up." He stated flatly.
"Aaron!" He snapped. Aaron
stood up quickly, knocking over his chair.

"Yes, Boss?"

Ken smiled. He grabbed the chair from the floor slowly, seating himself across from Felix.

"Grab my recorder from my quarters," he demanded, not breaking eye contact with his victim. Aaron left without another word.
Felix watched him leave, his topaz eyes hard on the doorway.

"What exactly did a softie like yourself do to make a kid like that so damn jumpy?" Felix asked. Ken laughed lightly.

"You're funny. I didn't do anything. At least, not directly."
Felix watched him, hinting for him to elaborate further.

"You see, Felix, the truest way to strike fear into a man isn't with brutality aimed at his demise. Rather, it's the swift actions you take upon others that really place them as putty in your grasp."

Felix stared.

"Im amazed." He whispered.
Ken smiled.

"At what? That I'm more than profanities and middle school humour?"

"No," Felix stated,
"That not only are you an asshole, but a pretentious asshole at that."

Ken's smile faded. He walked forward slowly, eyes dark. His hands were clasped behind his back.
He raised his hand quickly at Felix, laughing at his flinch.

"Scared of a little slap, huh?"
Ken scoffed.

"It's called a natural reflex, dumbass."

Ken reached out, actually slapping Felix. Aaron yelped at the sound of skin to skin contact as he reentered the room.

"Don't talk to me like that, pretty boy. The mouthy ones die quickly. Remember that."

Aaron coughed.

"I uh, got it, boss."

Ken grinned. He moved his chocolate hair a bit, looking at it.

"Good. Now put it in front of us and turn it on."

Aaron took the recorder, walking around them. He placed it on the ground, hitting the record button.

"Now go make me a chocolate milkshake."

"Yes, sir!" Aaron replied.
Felix watched Ken's movement as he sat back down.

"Why'd you have him come back just to go upstairs again?"

"Because," Ken said, leaning forward,
"I can."

Felix laughed.
"Sounds like a waste of time."

Ken glared.
"Remember who is in charge here."

Felix scoffed, snorting.
"Oh, is that you?"

Ken's hand collided with his cheek again, the sound ringing out.

"What's that old thing for anyways?"

Ken sat back. A small smile traced his lips.

"You're going to tell me the things I want to know."

"And if I don't?"

Another slap.

Felix laughed, tapping his foot. He'd been working his hands around, loosening his restraints. They were just loose enough that he could slip his hands out.

Ken stood, turning his back to Felix.

"You really shouldn't cross me."

Felix laughed heartily. Standing slowly as Ken reached for a cassette tape on the floor, he grabbed his chair.

"I could say the same."

With that, he hit Ken over the back with his chair. The chair, collapseable, fell in on itself as Ken hit the ground.
He was out cold.

Felix grabbed the recorder, smashing it on the floor before walking to the door.

Right as he reached out, the door knob began to turn.

He'd forgotten about Aaron.

I swear all of my updates are terrible xD

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