I couldn't believe what I just saw! IT WAS HUMANS IN THE STAGE THAT LOOKED LIKE SOME ROBOT!!!! I wanted to scream... But... Why would I scream inside a stupid pizzeria!?!? I went up to the counter. I read the sign on mind, "ring for service." I ringed the bell. So loud!! It could break my ear drums out! A tall woman with brown long hair with a name tag that says, "Clara" on it. "Hello young lady! How would I help you?" I just stared. I started to say, "paper" and "pen" with my hands. "Oh my! Are you mute? I'm so sorry!" She gave me a sticky note and a pen. I wrote something on the paper like fast. 'Im hungry. My parents left me. Can I have some food?' She nodded. "Of course, sweetie! I'll take you to your table!" I followed her to the table she picked for me. She asked me what kind of pizza. 'Pepperoni' on the paper. She nodded and headed back down to the kitchen. "H-H-he-He-Llo there!" I jumped. "What was that???" I thought. I looked behind me and it was a robot. CHICA!!! I ran away from the pizzeria. I started to cry. "What's wrong?" I heard a person said to me. I turned around and saw....
My favorite character....
He was always my favorite
I ran up to him and hugged him so tight. That I cried harder than the first time. "What happened Lass??" His sweet voice. I could hear his voice again. I missed it. I loved it. I looked at him and pointed at Chica. Chica just looked at Foxy and waved. Foxy glared at Chica madly, "What ye do to me Sweet Lassie tis' time.....?" Chica shivered and walked away awkwardly. "What a stupid robot" sighed Foxy. "I'm sorry Lassie." You nodded up and down. 'Sit with me, Foxy!' Foxy followed you to your table and say down face to face. Smile to smile.
I will never forget this memory