7: Completely Oblivious

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☪Dark and Mysterious Love Trilogy:

"Roses of Possession"

7: Completely Oblivious


Leaving home was never easy. Leaving every piece of memory, leaving every bit of remembrance that once made you happy, forgetting about the ways you used to be.

It's all about letting go of what you are before and moving on to something you're completely not. Home is an irreplaceable place where everything about you started.

It is where you builded up to be in shape of your personality, it's even where you learned to stand on your own feet; home is just somewhere you're meant to be.

It will always be the place where your heart belongs.

Jane gazed outside the window, across the sunlight meadows of their estate for the last time. It's sure not easy to disregard even the most petite memory Jane had there.

Their home might have given her too many pain to endure but it's the place where she knows she's bound to be.

Last night, she talked to herself about it and replayed everything inside her head.

The debt.

The deal.

The ball.

The prince.

The marriage.

And reminiscing it must have been a bad thing for her because up to now, Jane's feeling something that's not quite right. From her right as a human, down to her love for her family. Both fights inside her madly. It might be her decision if she'll turn this down and live free. But it's also her obligation to follow her destiny.


Before, there's no such thing as fate for Jane. She was led up believing that she can go on the will of her life and change it when she wants to. There's no such thing as destiny for her. But now, she's not so sure anymore if she still wants to believe or not.

Jane knew that her destiny was this; she knew that she'd end up as this. It was from the day she was born; she was already aware. But, she had the spirit inside and she always keep in mind that no matter how hard life is going to be for her, she won't give up. She'll shortly show life she rules it.

However, at this point, is her spirit still guarding her up? Or is it slowly going down?

Satisfied for the short moment that Jane wandered around the place, she pulled her doorknob open and slowly dragged her feet downstairs. With every step she takes, it feels like eternity. There's some indescribable mania pulling her inside; begging her to stay.

There was a feeling within that leisurely creases her heart.

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